Page 4 - 05 Belshazzar's Feast
P. 4


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                           Chapter 5 – Belshazzar’s Feast
                   That  this  festival  had  some  reference  to

               former  victories  over  the  Jews  may  be

               inferred from the fact that the king, when he

               began to be heated with his wine, called for

               the sacred vessels which had been taken from

               Jerusalem. It would be most likely that, lost to

               a sense of all sacred things, he would use them

               to  celebrate the  victory  by which they were

               obtained. No other king, probably, had carried

               his impiety to such a height as this. And while

               they drank wine from vessels dedicated to the

               true  God,  they  praised  their  gods  of  gold,

               silver, brass, iron, wood, and stone. Perhaps,

               as  noticed  on  chapter  3:29,  they  celebrated

               the superior power of their gods over the God

               of  the  Jews,  from  whose  vessels  they  now

               drank to their heathen deities.
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