Page 33 - 05 John Wycliffe
P. 33
which, forasmuch as I do suppose to be
sound and true, he will most willingly
confirm my said faith, or if it be erroneous,
amend the same.
“First, I suppose that the gospel of Christ is
the whole body of God's law.... I do give and
hold the bishop of Rome, forasmuch as he is
the vicar of Christ here on earth, to be most
bound, of all other men, unto that law of the
gospel. For the greatness among Christ's
disciples did not consist in worldly dignity or
honors, but in the near and exact following of
Christ in His life and manners.... Christ, for the
time of His pilgrimage here, was a most poor
man, abjecting and casting off all worldly rule
and honor....
“No faithful man ought to follow either the
pope himself or any of the holy men, but in
such points as he hath followed the Lord