Page 5 - Primavera Selections 2018
P. 5

Region: Yarra Valley, VIC
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Region: Yarra Valley, VIC
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Yarra Valley, VIC
David Manning/Matt Je ns oldcockand swearjar.c
LOCALITY: Yarra Valley, VIC WINEMAKER: David Manning/Matt Jenkins
The question that gets asked all the time is where does the name come from. Old Cock: A friendly Tasmanian form of address from by gone colonial times derived from a rooster as it refers to a spirited, proud or feisty character. Swear Jar:
something one becomes as a consequence of enjoying too much of the demon drink!
The question that gets asked all the time is where does the name come from. Old Cock: A friendly Tasmanian form of
So how did it start? David (Old Cock) Manning and Matt (Swear Jar) Jenkins are old mates and work colleagues, and out of address from by gone colonial times derived from a rooster as it refers to a spirited, proud or feisty character. Swear Jar: the blue, in a conversation that lasted a few minutes, went something like this: “do you want to make a wine”? The
something one becomes as a consequence of enjoying too much of the demon drink! response was “why not” and hence Old Cock & Swear Jar was born.
So how did it start? David (Old Cock) Manning and Matt (Swear Jar) Jenkins are old mates and work colleagues, and out of
Kicking off with their first vintage in 2013 and based in the Yarra Valley, some fruit comes from southern pocket in the the blue, in a conversation that lasted a few minutes, went something like this: “do you want to make a wine”? The
Melba Valley sub region and some from a single site near Dixons Creek in the northern end of the valley. The boys keep response was “why not” and hence Old Cock & Swear Jar was born.
it simple and make two wines – Chardonnay and Shiraz. The Chardonnay coming from a single site called ‘Yarraland’ in
Kicking off with their first vintage in 2013 and based in the Yarra Valley, some fruit comes from southern pocket in the the southern section of the valley where the conditions are marginally warmer, whilst the Shiraz comes from a site up
Melba Valley sub region and some from a single site near Dixons Creek in the northern end of the valley. The boys keep noeartrhDixons Creek called ‘Saunders’. Both wines are made in a very hands-off style to help reflect their variety and site.
it simple and make two wines – Chardonnay and Shiraz. The Chardonnay coming from a single site called ‘Yarraland’ in the southern section of the valley where the conditions are marginally warmer, whilst the Shiraz comes from a site up noeartrhDixons Creek called ‘Saunders’. Both wines are made in a very hands-off style to help reflect their variety and site.
2016 Yarra Chardonnay 2015 Yarra Shiraz
12 180 12 180
19.35 19.35
2016 Yarra Chardonnay 2015 Yarra Shiraz
12 180 12 180
19.35 19.35

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