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Romanticsm and Dramatism

        Romanticism - An artistic and intellectual movement originating in Europe in the late 18th century and characterized by
        a heightened interest in nature, emphasis on the individual’s expression of emotion and imagination, departure from
        the attitudes and forms of classicism, and rebellion against established social rules and conventions.

              Works from Philip James Loutherbourg

        Dramatism - introduced by rhetorician Kenneth Burke, made its way into the field of communication in the early 1950’s
        as a method for understanding the social uses of language and how to encounter the social and symbolic world of a dra-
        ma (Brock, Burke, Burgess, Parke, and Simons 1985). Dramatism’s intent is to offer a logical method for understanding
        human motives, or why people do what they do (Fox, 2002). Dramatism is the belief that language is a strategic, moti-
        vated response to a specific situation (Griffin 2006). It views language as a mode of symbolic action rather than a mode
        of knowledge (Burke 1978). Kenneth Burke’s view was that life is not like a drama, life is a drama. Dramatism theory
        has the layout of a play, complete with actors and plotlines. Dramatism comprises identification, dramatistic pentad, and
        the guilt-redemption cycle.

        I like the dynamics of his work and thehis
        use of lights and darks.

        Course Title: Digital Photography  Project:  Student: Janet M. McPhatter  Instructor: Ms. Penny Shaw  Term: January 2010
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