Page 3 - ENGLISH GodJudgementDay WEB.cdr
P. 3


   Presently, amid the awful silence, the Dead appear;
   sinners great and small, from every clime and race,
   sinners of the deepest dye; murderers, sorcerers, liars,
   thieves, idolators, adulterers, drunkards, revilers,
   extortioners, blasphemers, Sabbath breakers, atheists,
   agnostics and criminals of the blackest type, along with
   those who have neglected and forgotten God.

   From the world's great battlefields where their dust has
   lain for hundreds of years, they come; from ocean
   depths where ships were sunk long centuries ago, from
   graveyard's innumerable, long since forgotten they come.
   Oh, what a company! And how they keep coming,
   millions upon millions of them, once the men and women
   of earth - summoned to appear before the God whom
   they have ignored and despised, to render an account.
   They glance this way and that, looking for a means of
   escape. They call for the mountains to fall on them, and
   hide them from Him who sits upon the Throne. But there
   is no escape, no help. It is the day of their doom.

   And the books are opened, the books filled with the
   record of their earthly lives. Every sin is recorded, every
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