Page 28 - RMA 75 anniversary book CEF
P. 28


                    Our hearts are grateful to the RMA, which has provided us with a lot of material

                    for our work in Serbia. Without them, we would not have been able to give more
                    than 10,000 children Gospel booklets and read about Jesus. Thank you for your
                    generous work.

                    An aunt distributes CEF books to children and young people. This year she shared
                    the joyful news that she had given a 15-year-old boy a booklet which he read and
                    came to faith. Glory to God! He visited the local church and testified his faith and
                    was baptised. Since then he has been sharing Bible verses and talking about Jesus
                    on social media.
                    Thank You for your service!

                    God bless you!

                    Samuel Halas (Halász Sámuel)
                    CEF National Director, Serbia

                          CELEBRA TING        YEARS  |  R EVIV A L  MO VEM ENT A S SOCIA TION
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