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Spanish books was sent to a partner in Ciudad Real, Bolivia Word of God that has been placed in their hands. 75th Anniversary
Spain. In addition to that, we have been distributing
Receive greetings and blessings, beloved brothers,
On the 14th August a large pallet consisting of from Bolivia. Below, in this report, we want to share evangelistic pamphlets in different parts of Bolivia, Every Home Crusade
11,000 booklets was sent to Bro. Hicham in France. such as the city of Santa Cruz, Cochabamba, Sucre,
LaPaz, among other places, and we The first time that Samuel Adams visited our
On the 15th August we shipped a container of have reached thousands of people. partners in India he was taken to a children’s
Portuguese and Spanish literature to our depot in Our statistics indicate that at least meeting. After he was seated at the front the
Brazil. This contained a total of over 5.5 million tracts 27,000 homes have been reached children crowded into the hall until there was no
and Gospels.
in the last quarter, many through space left – the aisle was full – they even sat on the
On the 19th August 3 tonnes of literature were sent the pamphlets we received from the ground all around his feet. He was amazed to see
to the Solomon Islands to support the work of CEF. Revival Movement. Just one week a children’s meeting conducted without any visual
This consisted mainly of flashcard Bible lessons, but ago, one of our evangelistic projects aids at all. There were no pictures to hold the asked to speak to Samuel – it was the leader from NTM
also included some tracts and Gospels. had the beautiful fruit of eight people children’s attention and help the teachers explain the who was visiting Northern Ireland. Samuel explained
baptized. lessons. After he came home he talked with Ernie about the project and the man agreed immediately to give
On the 22nd August a container of literature was the need to print some Bible Lessons for the Teachers permission for RMA to use their lessons.
shipped for Southern Africa Literature Trust in Malawi. The teaching materials for to use. Ernie agreed and asked Samuel to look into
There were over 350,000 Chichewa calendars sent, children have also had a wonderful what type of lessons RMA could print – it was quickly The idea that developed was to print a large page
along with 5,000 Portuguese New Testaments, Gospels and positive impact in Bolivia. realised that for RMA to print children’s Bible Lessons with a colour picture for each lesson and then print the
and tracts. We have already distributed the basic Bible Lesson on the reverse side of the picture –
On the 6th August, 7 tonnes of literature were sent to illustrated Bible lessons to dozens of that this would cost a lot of extra money and there was hence keeping picture and text together. Creation to
Haiti for the work of CEF. This included around 10,000 On the 22nd August we also shipped 100,000 churches in the national territory and no extra finance available – so they agreed to pray that Christ lessons consisted of 50 lessons but we were able
flashcard Bible lessons and 30,000 tracts. 7,750 ‘King of Gospels of Luke in Romanian to support the ministry churches in the countryside. Classes the Lord would supply this need. to combine some lessons so we ended up with 20 lessons
Glory’ books in the French and Creole languages were of CEF in Romania. are taught to children from the indigenous people of A few months later – one morning Ernie came from the Old Testament and 20 lessons from the New
also included for a partner in Haiti. On the 28th August 3 pallets of literature we sent to with you a little of everything that God has been doing the Mosetenes. They meet in the community square, to Samuel with a letter addressed to him. Ernie in Testament concentrating on the life of Christ.
through our ministry. You have formed an important
On the 7th August, 6,000 flashcard Bible lessons CEF in Botswana. This consisted of over 7,000 flashcard part through the literature that we received from you because it is a new congregation that does not yet have his typical form said “Open it and see if there is any The original editors who had written the NTM
were sent to CEF in Mozambique. Some of this material Bible lessons along with around 20,000 tracts. this year. facilities, even so, any place is (Continued overleaf) money inside”. When Samuel opened the letter he was lessons worked with us in order to develop a Teacher’s
will be used during the Christmas season in Christmas On the 28th August a pallet of literature also went speechless as there was a cheque with one of the largest guide to assist those using the lessons. The 40 pictures
When the material arrived in Bolivia, one
Party Clubs (CPCs) across the country. to CEF in Gambia. This consisted mainly of Wonder of the first activities we carried out was to gifts ever received. With the cheque was a little note – with text and a teacher’s guide were then put into a grip
On the 8th August, 10,000 Spanish “Stranger on the Devotional books, with almost 19,000 being sent. participate in a massive evangelistic campaign “please use this for printing children’s literature.” seal plastic bag. During the following years hundreds
Road to Emmaus” books were sent to friends in Bolivia. On the 29th August a container of literature was in the city of Santa Cruz, where hundreds of Many ideas were discussed as to how to proceed – of thousands of these sets of lessons were printed in
There were also 2,500 flashcard Bible lessons for CEF. shipped to Liberia. This included almost 40,000 people attended. On that occasion we were able one of those suggestions was to approach New Tribes English and in many other languages – and distributed
On the 9th August, 5,000 Light of life Bible lessons Mailbox club booklets, over 42,000 Wonder Devotional to deliver 100 New Testaments to the people Mission for permission to use their lessons – Creation to Sunday school teachers. These lessons proved to
to Christ. Samuel was advised to contact a leader of
be very popular and were the beginning of RMA
were sent to the Philippines. booklets, 150,000 tracts, and thousands of flashcard who received Jesus Christ as Saviour, and to be NTM in USA to ask permission to use their material. printing children’s booklets and lessons for distribution
Bible lessons. This literature will be shared between able to bless them with an important portion
On the 9th August we also shipped a 20ft container Liberia and Sierra Leone. of the word of God for the beginning of their He wrote an email and waited a couple of days for a throughout the world. (Photo below from Cuba.)
to South Sudan. This included 200,000 Mailbox club walk with Christ. reply. Three days later a man appeared at the door and
booklets with all the associated Teacher guides and
certificates to be used for the discipleship of children After that, we carried out door-to-door
in schools, as well as small supplies of CEF and BES evangelism in the city of Montero, where after
literature. sharing in homes, at night an evangelistic
service was held. Around 15 people gave their
On the 12th August 2 pallets of evangelistic literature lives to Christ, and we were able to share with
were sent to London. This literature was in a variety of them a copy of the New Testament, as well as a
languages, with some of it being distributed by a team Gospel of John, which greatly motivated people
from Revival Movement later in the month. You can find to continue their path of discipleship. A month
out more about this outreach later in the newsletter. later, we celebrated Women’s Day in Bolivia,
On the 12th August we also shipped 4 pallets of and we took advantage of that date to be able
literature to Brian Howden in Angola. This consignment to share the Gospel with dozens of women.
contained 50,000 calendars in languages that included On this occasion, we distributed the gospels
Chokwe, Portuguese, Umbundu, Luvale and Songo. We of John you provided to us. These booklets
also included 18,500 BES booklets in Portuguese. gave a wonderful guide to evangelize and start
a Bible study with the ladies. We loved seeing
On the 13th August a small pallet of Arabic and
how much dedication with which they read the