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     Interactive Advocacy (IA) introduces...

     THIS IS NOT A GAME TM, a series of interactive training tools

     designed to increase critical thinking, problem-solving skills
     and integrate fun in your training environment.

    Content covers sexual assualt Prevention , male victimization, sexual harassment,

    consent, bystander intervention

                           HOT TOPIC

                                             HOT TOPICS

                                                                                             HOT TOPIC
                                                                                    Sexual Assault Prevention
      $299                                                                          and Awareness training
                                                                                    tool.  Includes Training tool, Facilitator
                  $15                                                                      Guide & 25 workbooks

                                                                             HOT TOPIC
                                                                       Healthy Relationships
                                                                       Awareness training tool
                                                                         Includes Training tool only

                W W W . I N T E R A C T I V E A D V O C A C Y . C O M   -   P H O N E   9 8 0 - 2 2 2 - 1 1 5 0
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