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Interactive Advocacy's, created Awareness Vibes to raise public

                       awareness of the many toxic behaviors that impact our
                       communities. Our goal is to create cultural change consciously.
                       So, if you're bold enough to be  Free thinking, Independent,
                       Responsive, and Empowered (FIRE) bystander committed to being
                       actively engaged, then IA's Awareness Vibes is for you.
                       Our brand encourages you not just to stand there but to be your
                       unstoppable self -- brave, resilient, YOU!

                                                      Chenille Hoodies,  Go Bags, T's, & More.....

         GO BAGS                              RESILIENT HOODIE                         CONSENT T's

                                                                                     25% OFF
                             Prices valid for products between                      199$
        $80                  01.11.18-31.12.18


           Chenille Patch


    Be Unstoppable Ribbon

            $50                                                                              Zippered Pockets

                                                                                             ASK ABOUT BULK PRICING

          Interactive Advocacy's Awareness Vibes: it's not just a movement; it's a lifestyle.

                W W W . I N T E R A C T I V E A D V O C A C Y . C O M   -   P H O N E   9 8 0 - 2 2 2 - 1 1 5 0
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