Page 104 - 2022 NYSAPLS Conference Journal
P. 104

              Wishes the New York State Association of Professional Land Surveyors  a successful 63rd Conference

                    LIFE MEMBERS           ALLEGHENY  PLATEAU  AsSOCIATION  OF
                    Herbert D. Ehrig
                   Arthur P. Mclaughlin                                                Joseph A. McGraw
                                                                                         Todd Oliver
                                                                                       Jamie S. Reynolds
                  REGULAR MEMBERS
                    Elizabeth M. Allen                                                Matthew R. Robinson
                     James B. Ball                                                     Kevin M. Rodgers
                     Daniel L. Bany                                                    Micheal A. Roeske
                     Roy J. Bonham                                                      David M. Simolo
                    Joshua M. Brown                                                    Mickey J. Sorenson
                     John C. Button                                                    Robert C. Stanton
                   Andrew P. cavagna                                                    Todd A. Stauring
                   Andrew E. Chapman                                                  Matthew L. Swanson
                      John E. Cox                                                     Randall S. Thompson
                   Gerard L. Emborski                                                  William J. Tucker, II
                   Randall E. Emborsky                                                 Matthew G. White
                    Nicholas B. Ford
                    Jeffry E. Gossett                                                    ASSOCIATES
                   Richard E. Kaczynski                                                  Jason M. Ball
                   Kenneth W. Larson                                                   Alexander Kowtun
                     Kera A. Mariotti         PROFESSIONAL  LAND  SURVEYORS           Lyndon B. LaBombard
                   Michael D. Masters                                                    Aaron Padden

                      With a Regional Requirement that Boundary Surveys be Monumented!

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