Page 3 - 2022 NYSAPLS Conference Journal
P. 3

W  elcome to the
                                                Welcome to the

                 ork State Association of Prof
           w Y
                                                                         essional Land Surv
      New York State Association of Professional Land Surveyors
                             63rd Annual Surveyors Conference!
                             63rd Annual Surv                 eyors Conf          erence!

        Welcome to the New York State Association               Diversity in Land Surveying:
        of Professional Land Surveyors 63rd Annual              A Panel Discussion
        Surveyors Conference!
                                                                Don’t miss this special event to be held on the final day
        Our annual surveyors’ conference is our                 of our conference. The NYSAPLS Young Professionals
        most anticipated event of the year, hosting             Committee has organized a Diversity in Land
        surveying professionals from New York, Vermont,         Surveying Panel Discussion, moderated by committee
        Massachusetts, New Jersey, Connecticut,                 member Ashley Metz. The discussion will focus on the
        Pennsylvania and the neighboring Canadian               unique paths some surveyors have taken to join this
        provinces. After months of careful consideration,       profession and the struggles they faced along the way.
        the NYSAPLS Executive Board made the decision           The Diversity in Land Surveying Panel Discussion will
        to reschedule our traditional in-person conference      be held on Friday, January 28th at 12:30pm.
        as a virtual event again this year. Our Conference,
        Education, and Finance Committees have met              Extraordinary Experience
        several times and worked together to create an          We realize that 2021 has not gone the way we had
        exciting online conference experience to allow our      hoped. However, we believe we’ve designed a fun and
        members and friends to gather safely from the           creative way for our members and friends to come
        comfort of their home or office.                        together safely. The NYSAPLS staff will be available
        Contests, prizes and more FUN…                          throughout the conference to assist with technical
                                                                questions to ensure you have a smooth and enjoyable
        The Conference Committee has once again                 virtual conference experience. So please join us as
        transformed our map contest and silent auction to       we explore the endless possibilities the virtual world of
        a virtual platform. Map contest entries will be         surveying can offer. Embrace the vast wealth of
        displayed digitally during the event. Please help us    information and peer support we are putting forward
        support the contest by viewing the maps and voting      at this year’s conference. Take a few moments to
        for your favorite! The annual Silent Auction to raise   review the extensive program that our volunteer
        money for the Shaw Fund Scholarship and LSPAC           committees have worked so hard to put together for
        will also take place throughout the conference,         you. Thank you for joining us as we celebrate 63
        beginning Wednesday 1/19 and ending Friday 1/28.        years of showcasing our great profession!
        Be sure to bid … and check back often to make sure
        someone did not out bid you!                            Sincerely,
                                                                Kenneth J. Stigner, LS, PP
        Awards Ceremony &                                       Conference Committee Chair
        Officer Installation Ceremony                           William R. Eggers, LS
        This year we welcome in the new 2022 Executive          Education Committee Chair
        Officers. Join us in congratulating them into their
        new leadership roles on Thursday, January 27th
        at 12:30pm. Also join us for our annual awards
        ceremony, honoring the newest faces of the            63
        surveying community, as well as the recipients of the
        college level scholarship awards and the Pillars of
        Excellence awards. The awards ceremony will take
        place Thursday, January 20th at 12:30pm.

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