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[ minutes, continued ]

          VIII.  New Business
              •  President Garfinkel “passed the gravel” and invited each attendee to   Director Tim Burch recalled his fond memories of working under the
                report on their regional activities, share news, report concerns, or just   mentorship of our very own Malcolm Shaw when Malcolm was our
                comment in general. Of note during the discussion was the following:   NSPS representative and Tim was a young representative from Illinois
                Brie Meisler of Eastern reported that members were concerned that   many years ago.
                licensure exam applications are taking up to a year to be reviewed by
                SBELSG. Bill Eggers of the Education Committee reminded everyone to   Without objection, the meeting was recessed at 9:05 p.m. with plans to resume on
                please suggest topics for future classes when completing their course   Friday January 20, 2023 at 2:00 p.m. at the Turning Stone Resort.
                evaluations. Scott Gillis, our Treasurer and also a faithful member of
                the Conference Committee logged 14 miles on his fitbit today here   Respectfully submitted:
                at the Turning Stone helping prepare for conference! NSPS Executive   Scott B. Allen, LS – Secretary

                      [ minutes ]

          [ NYSAPLS Annual Association Meeting • January 20, 2023

            Turning Stone Resort & Casino, Verona NY

          Meeting called to order at 1:15 pm by President Roy Garfinkel.  II.   Minutes of January 2022 Annual Meeting:
                                                                     Motion to accept as written by John Abruzzo, seconded by Patti Brooks, all
          Present:                                                   in favor, none opposed, motion carried.
                                                                III.   Annual Meeting Reports
          Association Officers:                                      •  NESS/President’s Roundtable Report - President Garfinkel reported that
          President         Roy B. Garfinkel                          the Presidents from Ontario, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Connecticut,
          Executive Vice President   Jeremy E. Thompson               Tim Burch of NSPS, and Jeremy Thompson attended. Many of the
          Vice President    Steven J. Willard                         same issues that we face in New York are being faced by other states.
          Treasurer         Scott A. Gillis                           The meeting ran an hour over. Roy plans to write an article for the ESS
          Secretary         Scott B. Allen                            regarding the meeting.
          Directors:                                                 •  Education Summit Meeting Report - Dan Marvin reported that
          Allegheny Plateau   Gerald Emborski                         Approximately 35 people attended. Attendees included faculty from
          Black River Valley   Jeremy Thomspon                        Ranger School, Paul Smith’s, and Alfred, all six Ranger School students,
          Catskill          Absent                                    Tim Burch from NSPS, the President of Maine, President Garfinkel,
          Central           David Bardoun                             Executive Vice President Thompson, Secretary Allen, Education
          City              Lemuel Morrison                           Committee members, and others. There was much focus on getting the
          Delaware-Hudson   Absent                                    word out to high school and middle school students, Boy Scouts and
          Eastern           Brie Meisler                              Girl Scouts, Future Farmers of America, and other organizations about
          Genesee Valley    Matthew Palmer                            career opportunities in surveying.
          Long Island       John Abruzzo
          Mid-Hudson        Nichole Kalicicki                        •  Annual Conference Registration Report - Amber Carpenter reported
          Mohawk Valley     Jeffrey Moore                             there were 742 registrants including walk-ins. Amber will submit a full
          Nassau Suffolk    Scott Gillis                              report for the next March BOD meeting.
          Niagara Frontier   Absent                                  •  Annual Auxiliary Report – Auxiliary immediate past president Barb
          Northern          Robert Marvin, Jr.                        Marvin thanked everyone for a great conference. Auxiliary had 16
          Southern Finger Lakes   Absent                              pre-registrants and 1 walk-in. Fran Smith is the new Auxiliary President
          Southern Tier     Absent                                    and will serve for the next two years. Barb recognized the passing
          Queensboro        Absent                                    of two past Auxiliary presidents: Lois Hartnett (1978-1979) passed
          Westchester-Putnam   C. Richard Moravec, Steven Willard     in April 2021, and Kathy Keating (2000-2001) passed in July 2021.
                                                                      President Garfinkel thanked Barb for her many years of service to not
          Trustees: Steve Boddecker, Patricia P. Brooks, Daniel E. Marvin, Robert A. Smith,   only the Auxiliary but to NYSAPLS in general and was applauded by the
          Glennon J. Watson, Marie T. Welch                           audience. Barb assured us that she will continue as an active member
          Executive Director: Daniel E. Marvin                        of the Auxiliary.
          Managing Director: Amber Carpenter                    President Garfinkel mentioned Tom Garber’s upcoming documentary on the history
          Director of Membership: Absent                        of the building of the Erie Canal. Roy will be making a recommendation to the Board
          Legal Counsel: Emily Whalen                           of Directors that NYSAPLS contribute funds for the making of the documentary,
          Guest Members: Joseph Baron, William Eggers           as  Tom is planning to feature the surveying and engineering involved in the
          Other Guests: None                                    construction of the Erie Canal.
          I.   Call for New Business/Agenda Items:              IV.   Unfinished Business
              None                                                   None

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