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National Surveyors Week: Preparation for March 2023
Mark your calendars! National Surveyors meetings. How better to promote your
Week is March 19-25, 2023. NYSAPLS’ profession and your business than to
Public Relations Committee is working make a public appearance?
on their annual campaign and will Reaching out to the public through the
be sharing opportunities for you to media and making them aware of the
participate by entering our “Day in the surveying profession and our role in
Life of a Surveyor” photo contest, bring today’s society is a goal whose value we
your child to work day and promoting all recognize. Over the last few years we
the profession on social media. have achieved this in a variety of ways
To get you started, we’ve shared some including Presidential, gubernatorial,
information about National Surveyors and municipal proclamations, news-
Week from NSPS and NGS below. Be paper articles, and radio spots
sure to follow us on social media to get highlighting National Surveyors Week.
the latest news and join our efforts. There is also a GPS Day, a Facebook
and a Twitter. Each of these channels
National Surveyors Week 1 represents another way for the land
What’s it all about? surveying community to stay connected
with a different segment of the public.
National Surveyors Week – the annual
week-long celebration of the surveying Although the annual effort of contacting
profession that takes place in March. the President, members of Congress,
What is the best way to use this event your governor and your municipal
to the advantage of the surveying leaders may seem trivial, remember that
profession? it serves to remind them that surveyors
are important. It is an essential part of
Consider having three goals of public the NSPS awareness campaign and serves
awareness through: as an introduction to our senators and
1. Education of the public representatives when we visit them on the
2. Public media hill. Whenever a bill, law or ordinance
3. Public service is being contemplated which affects
Education of the public is the number the public and affects the surveying
one goal of National Surveyors Week. The profession, these elected officials should
work surveyors perform for the benefit of know who to turn to for answers to their
the public often goes unrecognized and questions – surveyors, YOU!
surveyors need to share our knowledge Newspaper articles, radio advertise-
with them. The work being done by ments, and on-line media can serve
NSPS TrigStar volunteers is incredible the same function for the surveying
and should be highlighted during profession, keeping us in the public eye.
National Surveyors Week. There are Too often our image is hidden behind
volunteers doing outreach to Boy Scout the impressions of an attorney, title
and Girl Scout groups and resources are agent or real estate agent. Surveyors can
available for these programs. We can use the media to highlight the value of
expand on this and offer to speak to the the surveying profession with our most
local Rotary or Lions Club. They are important constituency, our clients.
always willing to have a speaker at their The best way to get an article about