Page 19 - NYSAPLS Conference Journal 2024
P. 19


        Margaret McMenamin, PE, CFM           Scott R. Reeser, PLS                 Harry Schultz, LS
        Margaret McMenamin is a Professional Engineer   Scott R. Reeser, PLS, has over 30 years of   Harry Schultz is the Vice President of Waypoint
        with over ten years of experience in the   experience in surveying and design. Mr. Reeser   Technology Group where he has worked for the
        environmental consulting and water resources   is a graduate of the Penn State University   past thirteen years. He is a licensed Professional
        industry. Since joining Wetland Studies and   Surveying Program, where he earned an   Land Surveyor with over 24 years of experience
        Solutions, Inc. (WSSI), a Davey Tree Company, early   Associate Degree in Surveying Technology. He   using Trimble technology for high-accuracy data
        in 2013, she has been involved in stormwater   has been a licensed Professional Land Surveyor   collection. He is also certified by Trimble to provide
        management, hydrologic and hydraulic modeling,   in Pennsylvania since 2008, and also holds   professional training for all of their Geospatial
        floodplain mapping, and stream stabilization and   surveying licenses in NY (2012), WV (2013),   hardware and software solutions. At Waypoint
        restoration projects. Ms. McMenamin is also the   CO (2014), DE (2019) and MD (2022). He is an   Technology Group, Mr. Schultz leads the survey
        WSSI CAD Manager, creating and managing CAD   active member of the Pennsylvania Society of   sales team while also providing customized
        standards and practices company-wide, and assists   Professional Land Surveyors, where he served   training, support, and consultation services
        with internal development and mentoring within
        the engineering group. She has been teaching the   on several committees. He previously served the   to their customers. Harry received his AAS in
        AutoCAD and Civil 3D courses through Civil Training,   Society as President. Throughout his career he   Land Surveying from Paul Smiths College in the
        LLC since 2019.                       has worked for various engineering, surveying   Adirondack mountains of NY. Prior to Waypoint
                                              and civil consulting firms, gaining experience   Technology Group, he worked for a large Survey/
        Philip J. Meis, MS, PE                in multiple facets of surveying, engineering and   Engineering firm where he worked as a land
        Phil has 27 years of utility engineering (UE)   land use consulting. His diversified experience   surveyor on projects all over the Northeastern
        experience and co-founded UMS in 2022 to execute   has allowed him to work on projects that serve   portion of the United States.
        UE as a rigorous discipline involving geophysical,   different market sectors including the general
        geodetic, and engineering expertise. UMS is actively   public, state and local government, private   James S. Thew, LS
        supporting and executing UE nationwide, and is   developers, public utilities and private utilities.   Jim is a 1991 graduate of the University of Maine
        pioneering 3D utility investigations, modeling, conflict   Currently, Mr. Reeser, is the Director of Surveys   (Orono) with a Bachelor of Science in Surveying
        analytics, design, and data management practices.   at Hunt Engineering Company, based in Malvern,   Engineering. He obtained licensure in NYS as a
        Phil is heavily involved with the development and   PA. He has been a frequent presenter of varied   Professional Land Surveyor in 1996. From 1997-
        advancement of UE practices and standards at a   topics at the annual Pennsylvania Society of   2005, Jim served as the Drilling Division Manager for
        national level. Phil recently co-authored the July   Professional Land Surveyors conference as well   Atlantic Testing Laboratories. In 2006, he decided that
        2020 NCHRP report An Impact and Value Analysis of   as the New York Association of Professional Land   he would focus on growing the surveying company,
        Requiring Geospatial Locations for Utility Installation   Surveyors annual conference. His expanding   Thew Associates, PE-LS, PLLC. Jim is now a former
        As-Builts. He regularly presents utility data acquisition   list of presentation topics includes: writing legal   Principal of Thew Associates, PE-LS, PLLC and
        and risk management practices to audiences   descriptions, communications in the workplace,   continues to work in the profession. Jim also serves
        nationwide in the US and Canada. Phil has been a   survey registration law, survey math, professional   as the chair of the NYSAPLS Ad Hoc DOT Relations
        member of the ASCE Construction Institute for over   ethics and historical subjects.  Committee and as a member of the NYSAPLS Public
        25 years, and the Utility Engineering and Surveying                        Relations Committee.
        Institute since it was activated in 2017. He has   Jesse Phillips
        managed or directed over 1,200 utility engineering
        projects across the nation, including several major   Jesse Phillips is a Geospatial Technical Support   Jeremy E. Thompson, LS
        pipeline projects involving high pressure national   Specialist at Waypoint Technology Group which   Jeremy Thompson, LS is, and has been, a Licensed
        gas transmission, liquid natural gas, and water   is an authorized Trimble dealer serving NY, NJ, &   Professional Land Surveying in New York since
        transmission. Phil previously worked for the Federal   all of New England since 1998. Mr. Phillips is a   2007. Jeremy worked in the private sector for 23
        government as a NOAA Corps commissioned officer   Paul Smiths graduate and before joining Waypoint,   years, starting in the late 1990’s with the US Forest
        assigned to the National Ocean Survey and National   worked in the field as a Survey Party Chief for over   Service in Petersburg, Alaska; then for a couple of
        Geodetic Survey divisions. He later served as a   10 years. He has been using Trimble hardware &   years with Atlantic Testing (eventually becoming
        construction field engineer for Washington Corp. and   software almost exclusively since 2009. In his spare   Thew Associates) in Canton, New York; and for
        was a principal engineer and project manager for   time, he enjoys hiking, backpacking, and camping.   the better part of 20 years with LaFave, White,
        Harding ESE, a MACTEC Company, (later Wood), for                           & McGivern, L.S., P.C., (LWM) a medium-sized
        projects including several interstate reconstructions   Edwin W. Rhodes, III, LS  surveying and mapping firm based in northern
        and highway interchange and round-a-bout designs.   Mr. Rhodes is a licensed Land Surveyor in NY and   Jefferson County, New York. Following his time with
        He is a registered professional engineer in 15 states.  CT. He currently works as a Land Surveyor for   LWM, Jeremy accepted the position as Surveying
                                              Rocco V. D’Andrea, Inc. and D’Andrea Surveying &   Instructor at the Ranger School in Wanakena, New
        Lemuel Morrison, LS                   Engineering, P.C. He is responsible for many major   York, where he is currently in his fifth-year teaching
        Lemuel Morrison has 30 years of experience   surveys, supervision of field crews and procedures,   Introduction to Land Surveying, Survey Law,
        in surveying and is currently working with GdB   and implementation of electronic surveying and   Advanced Survey Measurements and Computations,
        Geospatial. He is a licensed land surveyor in   data collection equipment and post-processing   and Computer Aided Drafting and Design. Along
        NY and 9 other states. He holds a BS in Land   of GPS observations. Since 2017, Mr. Rhodes   with his teaching, Jeremy continues to provide
        Surveying from the Ohio State University and an   taught classes as CCSU under the CALS continuing   consulting services and perform limited surveys
        MBA from the Zicklin School of Business at Baruch   education aspect. Some of these classes were,   primarily during the summer months. Jeremy
        College. Lem is also an adjunct assistant professor   Introduction to Land Surveying, Leveling Theory, and   has been an active member with the New York
        at the NYC College of Technology (CUNY) in the   Operations for Surveying. Mr. Rhodes is currently a   State Association of Professional Land Surveyors
        Department of Construction Management and Civil
        Engineering. He teaches land surveying, boundary   student at the University of Maine, working on his   (NYSAPLS) for over twenty years and is currently the
        surveying and 3D scanning. He currently resides in   BA/Master’s in Surveying Technology.  President of the Association.
        Manhattan with his wife and daughter.

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