Page 27 - NYSAPLS Conference Journal 2024
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        WELCOME COCKTAIL RECEPTION                                                  NYSAPLS FIELD OLYMPICS
        Wednesday, January 17, 6:15pm – 8:45pm                                      Exhibit Hall Lunch &
        Let us welcome you to our conference, as we meet up with the                Reception Breaks
        fabulous vendors in the exhibition hall for complimentary cocktails         The NYSAPLS Young Professionals
        and light fare. This event is included with our monumental and   Committee is bringing back the Field Olympics! Test your skills and
        auxiliary registration fees. You must have a ticket to attend.  compete against friends or colleagues in 3 Events: Backsight Setup,

        EXTRAORDINARY EXHIBITION EXPERIENCE                     Tree Identification, and Orienteering (which includes: Pacing, Eying
                                                                an Angle, and Eying a Distance). Look for the events throughout the
        Our exhibition hall is the largest surveying vendor showcase in the   exhibit hall. Prizes will be awarded for the best scores at the Young
        northeast! You will not want to miss viewing the latest technology and   Professionals & Alumni Social on Thursday evening.
        offerings for your business. We’ve customized our schedule to offer
        longer lunch breaks and coffee breaks throughout the day to give   THE SURVEYOR’S SOCIAL &
        you time to “stroll”. Get reacquainted with old friends and visit with   OFFICER CELEBRATION DINNER
        first-class vendors that offer superior products and services that are
        exclusive to the surveying profession.                  Thursday, January 18, 7:00pm – 10:00pm
                                                                (Cypress Ballroom)
                           TEXAS HOLD’EM POKER
                           TOURNAMENT                           It’s time to celebrate! Join your friends and fellow members as
                                                                we congratulate NYSAPLS’ incoming 2024 executive officers. The
                           Wednesday, January 17, 9:00pm evening is designed to be a relaxed and casual cocktail reception
                           Black River Valley Association of Professional   & dinner. Join us for a happy hour that keeps on going! Support our
                           Land Surveyors (BRVAPLS) organized another   newest officers and simply enjoy the company of your peers while
                           Texas Hold’em Poker Tournament for the   enjoying the delectable fare, cocktails, and live music. Our evening
                           2024 NYSAPLS Conference. This is our third   will include our annual live auction to benefit the Arthur D. Shaw
                           conference tournament and is strictly for   and Malcolm M. Shaw Memorial Scholarship Fund. If you’ve never
                           NYSAPLS conference attendees only (name   experienced this event, or haven’t in a while, we encourage you to
                           badge required).                     come join us for a night to remember.
        The Texas Hold’em tournament will be conducted in Turbo Style,   Featured evening entertainment: Pat Gioia
        meaning the blinds will go up several times an hour, which will   Patrick Gioia - Acoustic singer, guitarist and
        quicken the play and even the playing field. The buy-in will be $50 with   songwriter. Pat plays an interesting variety of
        approximately $25 going to the prize pool. (The remaining amount will   musical styles ranging from the 60’s to today’s
        be used to pay Turning Stone for operating the tournament.)   current music. He can accommodate requests
                                                                for certain musical genres depending on the
        BRVAPLS’ previous tournaments were enjoyed by all that   audience. Pat has played for over 30 years in
        participated. The 2023 tournament paid out over $650 to the top 3   the Capital District area performing for weddings, private parties,
        spots! Players of all skill levels are welcome! The tournament will   restaurants, business establishments and church functions.
        take place on Wednesday evening shortly after the conclusion of the
        welcome reception. Further details can be found at the conference   SILENT AUCTION TO BENEFIT
        registration booth.                                     THE SHAW SCHOLARSHIP FUND
        YOUNG PROFESSIONALS & ALUMNI SOCIAL                     Wednesday, January 17, 11:00am  –
        Thursday, January 18, 5:30pm – 7:00pm                   Thursday, January 18, 4:30pm

        (Event Center Atrium)                                   Our scholarship auction has become a wonderful way to raise funds
        The Young Professionals Committee invites all conference attendees   annually for the Shaw Fund. The Arthur D. Shaw and Malcolm M. Shaw
        to join Alfred State, SUNY ESF Ranger School and Paul Smith’s   Memorial Fund, Inc. was established in 1986 to encourage and
        graduates and current students at their Young Professional & Alumni  promote land surveying education through scholarships, lectures,
        Social.  Meet with current surveying students, past graduates   seminars and research. In its 35+ year history, the Shaw Fund has
        and old classmates for cocktails and snacks. See NY’s recent and   awarded more than $100,000 in scholarships.
        aspiring surveyors, as well as possibly your next employee! The
        event will highlight some of the services NYSAPLS offers to its   Be sure to check out an abundance of donated auction items, gift
        students and associate members, as well as messages from each   baskets, gift certificates (and much more) on display in the exhibit
        of our collegiate partners.                             hall. The auction will be available Wednesday at the opening of our
                                                                exhibit hall through Thursday at 4:30pm. Be sure to bid… and check
                                                                back often to be sure someone did not out-bid you!

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