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National Society of Professional Surveyors

        Director’s Report to New York State

        Association of Professional Land Surveyors

        Spring 2024

        By Patricia P. Brooks, LS, NSPS Director (NY)

                                                         It  just  keeps  getting  better  and  better!  The  Spring  2024  meeting  of
                                                         the National Society of Professional Surveyors (NSPS) was held at the
                                                         Hilton in Arlington Virginia, from Sunday, April 21st through Friday,
                                                         April 26th this year. While this venue continues to exceed expectations,
                                                         the overflow crowd at the Student Awards Luncheon held on Wednesday
                                                         may indicate we are outgrowing the facility. I think that is a very good
                                                         sign for the profession. This report will focus primarily on the first few
                                                         days of the meeting emphasizing the Washington D.C. experience.

        Directors and members gather on the steps of the Capitol for NSPS’s
        annual “Day on the Hill”                         Student Competition
                                                         The Student Competition continues to be one of the highlights of the
                                                         Spring meeting. The students were welcomed Sunday evening at a pre-
                                                         competition meeting and reception where they were introduced to
                                                         the Early 19th Century surveying equipment they would be utilizing
                                                         to perform their field exercises on the National Mall over the course
                                                         of the next two days. While I was lagging behind in New York, my
                                                         husband Rick thoroughly enjoyed meeting many of the students
                                                         Sunday evening, including the two teams representing New York from
                                                         Alfred State College. Due to the overwhelming positive response to the
        Students from the two Alfred State College teams attending the
        Awards Ceremony                                  competition, the event was spread over two days to accommodate the
                                                         24 teams participating. Half of the teams participated in the monument
                                                         hunt on Monday and half performed the field exercises, with the teams
                                                         switching tasks on Tuesday. The location and duration of the student
                                                         event presented exposure to the general public and positive interaction.
                                                         Tents were set up on the National Mall at the base of the hill below the
                                                         Washington Monument with survey information available and staffed
                                                         with volunteers including several  Young Surveyors who coordinated
        Patricia Brooks receiving a 10-Year              the Student Competition. Students and faculty on school trips,
        Award from NSPS President
        Davey Edwards in appreciation                    International visitors, and families from throughout the United States
        for her years of service as New                  who were visiting our Nation’s Capital were able to experience and learn
        York’s Director
                                                         about  the  surveying  profession.  This  was  no  small  achievement  and
                                                         the NSPS staff commitment to providing the best possible experience
                                                         including obtaining use permits from National Park Service was no
                                                         easy feat. Tuesday evening was filled with fun and games at the Student
                                                         Competition event, with both the Sunday and Tuesday networking
                                                         events made possible through generous donations and sponsorships.
                                                         While there are opportunities for large Supporting Sponsors, you can also
                                                         make an NSPS general donation on the website (Membership/Donate/
                                                         General Donation) and note in the comments that the donation is to
                                Richard Brooks next to the Jefferson
        Richard Brooks at the Capitol   Pier Stone on the Washington   be directed towards the Student Competition – or any other area you
        building                Monument grounds         may have interest in supporting for our profession. One of my favorite

        12   EMPIRE STATE SURVEYOR / VOL. 60 • NO 4 / 2024 • JULY/AUGUST
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