Page 33 - NYS_ESS_07-2024
P. 33
Education Strategic Planning
Bill Eggers no report
• The committee continues to work on choosing and scheduling conference • Committees are working on their strategic plan charges.
education presenters. Workforce Development Committee (ad hoc)
• Email blast for the spring workshop and June webinar went out this morning.
no report
Ethical Practices Young Professionals
Amber for David Zigler, Chair Keith Burley, Chair
• The committee met on May 9th. Four current cases and two new cases • The Committee is considering preparing a series of videos on unique niche
are on their agenda. surveying.
• The primary issues tend to be related to communication problems and NYS
corporation filing requirements. • Keith reported he attended the NYS Future Farmers of America convention
with the booth. There were over 1000 students
• SBELSG and the Office of Professional Discipline will be presenting at attending. Keith reported a great experience.
conference regarding professional practice.
• The committee is looking into existing advertising that includes pricing for VI. Unfinished Business
surveying services. none
VII. New Business
Government Relations
• Jim Thew and Emily Whalen • President Thompson “passed the gavel” and invited each attendee to
• Have had another meeting with NYS D.O.T. this past Monday and they report on their regional activities, share news, report concerns, or just
comment in general.
continue to become more cooperative. Their records for Albany County have
been obtained and Greg de Bruin is continuing to work on a GIS database. • Ken Stigner suggested that regionals inspect their banners and consider
• The committee believes the best place to host the data would be the NYS replacing them if they are getting “tired”.
GIS Clearinghouse. • Owen Littlefield (Northern) reported that the Arbitration Committee for
• It has been reported that there are significant problems with acquiring any the Northern regional has come to a resolution of their first case after
information from NYS DOT Region 8 due to current lack of staff. extensive research and consideration.
• There is an upcoming bill to require education to qualify for licensure • Brie Meisler (Eastern) reported that Eastern is planning to implement an
as a Geologist. arbitration process. They will also be hosting the CST exam. Eastern will be
• A 10-year statute of repose bill is on the agenda for the Senate Judiciary increasing their regional dues.
Committee. This is supported by Engineers and Architects. New York and • Gerry Emborski (Allegheny Plateau) will be meeting soon. Alfred State held
Vermont are the only states in the country that do not have this. a presentation of student surveying projects which several local surveyors
• A motion was made by Scott Allen and seconded by Steve Willard to attended.
have Emily draft a memo of support. Motion carried unanimously. • Jeremy Thompson reported that The Ranger School will be graduating 14
Land Surveying students tomorrow.
Amber Carpenter for Steve Boddecker, Chair • Lem Morrison (City) held a CST exam recently and 4 passed.
• Will be making required financial filings with the state. • John Abruzzo (Long Island) reported he judged an ASCE survey competition
at Stony Brook and the Stony Brook team won over a team from New
Heather Schultz for Nik Decker, Chair Jersey. Farmingdale now has a micro-credential in surveying.
• Membership reports are in the handouts. End of year numbers are slightly • David Bourdon (Central) reported Central met last night and Steve Sehnert
less than last year. has retired along with retiring as treasurer of Central regional. Steve has
• Finalized contract with Retrieve Technology for access to online education been involved with the Regional since the 1960’s. Dave also attended a
courses, as a new member benefit. high school career fair.
Minimum Technical Standards (ad hoc) VIII. Upcoming Board Meetings
no report • Executive Board, Thursday June 20, 9:30 am – Virtual Teams Meeting
Nominations and Awards • Executive Board, Thursday July 11, 9:00 am – Virtual Teams Meeting
no report • Board of Directors, Friday July 19, 2:00 pm – Virtual Teams Meeting
NSPS • Executive Board, Thursday August 15, 9:00 am – Virtual Teams Meeting
Amber Carpenter
• A report on the recent national meeting will be published in the Empire Motion to adjourn at 3:16 p.m. was made by Steve Willard, seconded by John Abruzzo.
State Surveyor.
Public Relations Respectfully submitted:
Lem Morrison, Chair William R. Eggers, Secretary
• The committee continues to produce videos at the rate of about one
per month.
• Working on a flyer for towns and boards regarding what to look for on a
survey plan or map. Scott Gillis recommended including checking for a
Certificate of Authority for any firms presenting plans to these agencies.
• One of the NYSAPLS flyers has been translated to Spanish and is now
available online. Other flyer translations in Spanish and other languages
are in the works.