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ªz‘Þ²›| }¢³ ‡ž†                                 TWIN OPERATIVE ACTIVITY
                                                              • Two output channels for monopolar cutting
                                                              • Two independent setting and output channels for
               ™iŸª“Þ›††i•®eŸ                               the most frequent monopolar coagulation
                                                              CONTROLLED CUTTING PROCEDURES
                                                              • Automatic adaptive system of power* (TACS - Tissue
                                                                Adaptive Contact System)
                                                              • Enhanced cutting current for eschar free incision
                                                              • Cutting current with selectable coagulating property
                                                                for bleeding controlled dissection
                                                              • Low capacitive coupling by slow BLEND current for
                                                                endoscopic procedures
                                                              TWIN CONTROLLED COAGULATIVE PROCEDURES
                                                              • 2/$$#8   BN@FTK@SHNM @MC #$$/   BN@FTK@SHNM @U@HK@AKD SN
                                                                two operators
                                                              ÷ 2/1 8 BN@FTK@SHNM @U@HK@AKD AX G@MC RVHSBG NQ ENNS RVHSBG
                                                              WIDE BIPOLAR FEATURES
                                                              • Bipolar cutting current with selectable bleeding control
                                                              • Slow BLEND cutting current
                                                              • Separately activable Automatic Start/Stop coagulation
                                                              • Vessel Sealing up to 7mm
                                                              SURGEON AND PATIENT TOTAL SAFETY
                                                              • Acceptability of contact impedance between patient
           200                                                  body and return electrode continuously watched
                                                                AX 2JHM /K@SD $KDBSQNMHB "NMSQNK  2/$"
                                                              ÷ ' %  +D@J@FD BTQQDMSR BNMSHMTNTRKX LNMHSNQDC
                                                              ÷ ,@HMR űTBST@SHNM @TSNL@SHB@KKX BNLODMR@SDC
                                                                ADENQD SN RS@QS SGD CDKHUDQX NE '% ONVDQ
              SURTRON 200® is a high frequency electro-       PERSONALIZED PROCEDURES
              surgical equipment which is suitable to light   ÷ (MCDODMCDMS BGNHRD NE BN@FTK@SHUD BTQQDMSR @MC ONVDQ
              and medium surgery.                               levels by each of two operators
                                                              • 3DM ODQRNM@K BNMŰFTQ@AKD @MC HLLDCH@SDKX QDB@KK@AKD OQNBDCTQDR
              SURTRON 200® allows to execute surgical
              minimally invasive procedure of resection,      EXTENTION DRIVER AND INTERLOCK SIGNALS
              evaporation and coagulation.                    ÷ #QHUDC NTSOTS BNMMDBSHNM SN DWSDQM@K  QFNM /K@RL@ TMHS
                                                                and Smoke Evacuator unit
              SURTRON 200® through its performances
              allows pure CUT, cut-coagulation BLEND,         AUTOMATIC SELF DIAGNOSIS
              incision with reduced prodution of eschar       • Automatic diagnostic control of the actual complete
              $-' -"$#  RTODQŰBH@K BN@FTK@SHNM %.1"$#           functionality of the electronic unit and the connected
              ". &  CDDO BN@FTK@SHNM HM @ARDMBD NE              accessories with coded report of failures
              MDBQNRHR 2.%3 ". & @MC !(/.+ 1 BN@FTK@tion.
                                                              *Monopolar CUT mode until 100 Watt.
              The digital reading of the delivered power        2/$$#8 BN@FTK@SHNM @KRN R@HC %TKFTQ@SD NQ %NQBDC BN@FTK@SHNM
              and the overseeing through microcontroller         #$$/ BN@FTK@SHNM @KRN R@HC /HM /NHMS  #DRRHB@SD NQ 2NES BN@FTK@SHNM
              of the operational functions, assure the
              absolute reliability of the conditions of job.

              SURTRON 200® allows a highly professional
              surgery thanks to the user-friendly and
              safety solutions normally used. The connec-
              tion of neutral electrode is constantly moni-
              tored. Safety control of patient/plate contact   400HP
              using split neutral electrode. The possibility
              to control by the handle the output functions
              as well as the delivery of output power, allows
              to implement the surgical operation without
              turning away the surgeon attention from the
              RTQFHB@K ŰDKC

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