Page 20 - Nurturing the Nurturer 2018 Program PDF2
P. 20
Novena to the Sacred Heart Divine Mercy Novena
Sacred Heart of Jesus Novena Christ the King Novena
Novena of Confidence to the Sacred Corpus Christi Novena
Heart Christmas Novena
Sacred Heart Mediation and Novena Ascension Novena
Two Hearts Novena Assumption Novena
Novena to Our Lord of Transfiguration
SAINTS NOVENAS Holy Family Novena
Little Flower Novena Novena for Pope Benedict XVI
St. Peregrine Novena 7 Gifts of Holy Ghost Novena
St. Benedict Novena Holy Spirit Novena
St. Blaise Novena Novena For Priests
St. John Bosco Novena Holy Cross Novena
St. Anthony Novena Novena for Grace
Novena to St. Philomena For the Souls in Purgatory
St.Therese's 24 Glory Be to the Fathers
Novena to St. Joseph NOVENA OF NO’S, YES’S OR
Novena to St. Joseph (Short) ACTS OF LOVE
St .Jude Novena
St. Ann Novena
St. John Vianney Novena
St. Gerard Novena
Maximilian Kolbe Novena
St. Edith Stein's Holy Spirit Novena
Redemptive Suffering: Outpouring of Love
Consider praying the following prayer before you read the about this topic:
Dear Lord,
Help me to remember in times of suffering, the cross you carried for my sake, so
that I may better carry mine. Help me to understand the incredible value you have
given to the offering of my suffering as a sacrifice united to yours. As I explore the
teachings you have given to your Church on this topic, open my mind and heart to
the hidden treasures of redemptive suffering. Help me to allow my suffering and
crosses - great & small - to unite me more deeply to you, help other people and to
increase my capacity to love you for all eternity. Amen.