Page 505 - Introduction To Sociology
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absolute monarchies, 380, 387 absolute poverty, 211, 217 achieved status, 87
achieved statuses, 86
acting crowds, 477, 490
activity theory, 292, 295
age stratification theory, 293, 295 Ageism, 288
ageism, 295
aggregate, 117, 128
agricultural societies, 78, 87 Alienation, 82
alienation, 87
Alternative movements, 481 alternative movements, 490 Amalgamation, 234 amalgamation, 244
ambilineal, 311, 324
anarchy, 380, 387
Animism, 340
animism, 340, 346
anomie, 80, 87
anticipatory socialization, 106, 107
antipositivism, 13, 21
anxiety disorders, 431, 438 ascribed, 86
ascribed status, 87
assembling perspective, 479, 490 Assimilation, 233
assimilation, 244 asylum-seekers, 457, 466 Atheism, 340
atheism, 346
atheists, 340
authoritarian leader, 128 authoritarian leaders, 122 Authority, 378
authority, 387
automation, 410, 415
baby boomers, 278, 295 bartering, 399, 415 Beliefs, 56
beliefs, 67
bigamy, 311, 324
bilateral descent, 311, 324 biological determinism, 261, 266 bourgeoisie, 81, 87 bureaucracies, 125, 128
cancer cluster, 464, 466 Capital flight, 208 capital flight, 217
capitalism, 81, 87, 401, 415 career inheritance, 406, 415 carrying capacity, 454, 466 case study, 41, 44
caste system, 187, 198 Casual crowds, 477
casual crowds, 490
category, 117, 128 Centenarians, 274 centenarians, 295
charismatic authority, 379, 388 Chattel slavery, 215
chattel slavery, 217
class, 187, 198
class consciousness, 83, 87 class system, 187, 198
Class traits, 193
class traits, 198
clear division of labor, 126, 128 climate change, 460, 466
code of ethics, 43, 44
Coercive organizations, 125 coercive organizations, 128 cohabitation, 310, 324
cohort, 276, 295
collective behavior, 477, 490 collective conscience, 80, 87 Colorism, 228
colorism, 244
commodification, 437, 438 concentric zone model, 459, 466 Conflict theory, 16, 140, 140 conflict theory, 21, 147 Conformity, 124
conformity, 128
conspicuous consumption, 198, 198
constitutional monarchies, 380, 388
Constructivism, 18 constructivism, 21
content analysis, 43, 44 Contested illnesses, 425 contested illnesses, 438 continuity theory, 292, 295 control theory, 147
Conventional crowds, 477 conventional crowds, 490 Convergence theory, 404 convergence theory, 415
Core nations, 208
core nations, 217
Cornucopian theory, 454 cornucopian theory, 466 corporate crime, 144, 147 corrections system, 147, 147 correlation, 36, 44 countercultures, 63, 67
court, 146, 147
Credentialism, 363 credentialism, 368
Crime, 144
crime, 148
criminal justice system, 146, 148 crowd, 477, 490
crowdsourcing, 487, 490 Cults, 338
cults, 346
cultural capital, 362, 368 Cultural deviance theory, 139 cultural deviance theory, 148 cultural imperialism, 54, 67 Cultural relativism, 55 cultural relativism, 67 Cultural transmission, 357 cultural transmission, 368 Cultural universals, 53 cultural universals, 68 culture, 6, 21, 52, 68
culture lag, 65, 68 Culture of prejudice, 232 culture of prejudice, 244 culture shock, 55, 68 cyberfeminism, 172, 172 D
Davis-Moore thesis, 196, 198 de facto segregation, 229
debt accumulation, 210, 217 debt bondage, 215, 217 degradation ceremony, 106, 107 Deindustrialization, 208 deindustrialization, 217 demedicalization, 437, 438 democracy, 383, 388 democratic leader, 128 Democratic leaders, 122 Demographic transition theory, 454
demographic transition theory, 466
demography, 452, 466 denomination, 339, 346 dependency ratio, 280, 295 Dependency theory, 216 dependency theory, 217 dependent variable, 32 dependent variables, 44 depression, 406, 415
design patent, 160
design patents, 172 deviance, 136, 148 diagnostic framing, 484, 490 dictatorship, 382, 388 differential association theory, 142, 148
diffusion, 65, 68
digital divide, 158, 173

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