Page 507 - Introduction To Sociology
P. 507
internally displaced person, 457, 467
interpretive framework, 33, 44 intersection theory, 231, 244 interview, 35, 44
intimate partner violence (IPV), 321, 324
intragenerational mobility, 193, 198
Inventions, 64
inventions, 68
iron cage, 83, 87
Iron Rule of Oligarchy, 127, 129 K
kinship, 311, 324 knowledge gap, 158, 173 L
Labeling theory, 141
labeling theory, 148 laissez-faire leader, 122, 129 Language, 60
language, 68
latent functions, 15, 21 Leadership function, 122 leadership function, 129 leadership style, 129 leadership styles, 122 legal codes, 144, 148 legitimation, 436, 439 Liberation theology, 343 liberation theology, 346 life course, 281, 296
life expectancy, 277, 296 literature review, 32, 44 looking-glass self, 86, 87 M
macro-level, 6, 21
Malthusian theory, 454, 467 Manifest functions, 15
manifest functions, 21
Market socialism, 402
market socialism, 415
marriage, 309, 324
mass, 477, 490
Mass media, 103
master status, 141, 148
Material culture, 53
material culture, 68
matrilineal, 311
matrilineal descent, 324 matrilocal residence, 312, 324 McDonaldization of Society, 127, 129
mechanical solidarity, 80, 87, 415 Mechanical solidarity, 396
Media, 160
media, 173
Media consolidation, 166
media consolidation, 173
media globalization, 166, 173 medical sociology, 425, 439 Medicalization, 429 medicalization, 439 medicalization of deviance, 437, 439
megachurch, 344, 346 megalopolis, 457, 467 Mercantilism, 400 mercantilism, 415 meritocracies, 126
meritocracy, 129, 198 Meritocracy, 188 meta-analysis, 30, 44 metropolis, 457, 467 micro-level, 6
micro-level theories, 21 minority group, 227, 244
model minority, 239, 244 Modernization, 489 modernization, 490 modernization theory, 216, 218, 296
Modernization theory, 293 monarchy, 380, 388 Money, 399
money, 415
monogamy, 310, 324 Monotheism, 340 monotheism, 340, 346 mood disorders, 431, 439 Moral development, 97 moral development, 107 Morbidity, 429
morbidity, 439
Mores, 59
mores, 68
mortality, 428, 439
mortality rate, 452, 467 motivational framing, 484, 490 mutualism, 403, 415
narcotizing dysfunction, 170 nature, 98, 107
Negative sanctions, 137 negative sanctions, 148 Neo-Luddites, 172 neo-Luddites, 173
net neutrality, 159, 173
New media, 163
new media, 173
New social movement theory, 486 new social movement theory, 490 NGO, 491
NIMBY, 467
No Child Left Behind Act, 364, 368
Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), 481
Nonmaterial culture, 53 nonmaterial culture, 68 nonreactive research, 43, 45 Nonviolent crimes, 144 nonviolent crimes, 148 normative or voluntary organizations, 129
Normative organizations, 125 Norms, 58
norms, 68
nuclear family, 313, 324 nurture, 98, 107
oligarchy, 381, 388
oligopoly, 166, 173
one person, one vote, 384, 388 operational definition, 32 operational definitions, 45 organic solidarity, 80, 87, 415 Organic solidarity, 396 out-group, 119, 129 outsourcing, 410, 415
panoptic surveillance, 171, 173 Paradigms, 14
paradigms, 21
participant observation, 38, 45 Pastoral societies, 77
pastoral societies, 87 patrilineal, 311
patrilineal descent, 324 patrilocal residence, 312, 324 patrimonialism, 379, 388
peer group, 101, 107 Peripheral nations, 208 peripheral nations, 218 personality disorders, 431, 439 physician-assisted suicide, 286, 296
planned obsolescence, 164, 173 Plant patents, 160
plant patents, 173
Pluralism, 233
pluralism, 244 Polarization, 410 polarization, 415 Police, 146
police, 148
politics, 384, 388 Pollution, 461 pollution, 467 polyandry, 310, 324 polygamy, 310, 324 Polygyny, 310