Page 509 - Introduction To Sociology
P. 509
strain theory, 138, 148
street crime, 144, 148 Structural mobility, 193 structural mobility, 199 structural unemployment, 413, 415
subculture, 62
subculture of aging theory, 294, 296
subcultures, 68
Subjective poverty, 212 subjective poverty, 218 subordinate group, 227, 245 subsistence farming, 400, 415 Suburbs, 457
suburbs, 467 Supercentenarians, 274 supercentenarians, 296
survey, 34
surveys, 45
sustainable development, 459 Symbolic interactionism, 17 symbolic interactionism, 22 Symbols, 59
symbols, 68
technological diffusion, 167, 173 technological globalization, 166, 173
technology, 157, 173 technophiles, 172, 173 thanatology, 286, 296
theory, 14, 22
third world, 207, 218
Thomas theorem, 85, 88
total institution, 129
total institutions, 125
totalitarian dictatorship, 382, 388 Totemism, 340
totemism, 340, 346
tracking, 362, 368
traditional authority, 379, 388 transgender, 255, 266 transsexuals, 255, 266
triad, 122, 129
underemployment, 413, 415 underground economy, 212, 218 underinsured, 434, 439 Unilateral descent, 311 unilateral descent, 324
universal access, 357, 368 universal healthcare, 435, 439 Upward mobility, 193
upward mobility, 199
urban sociology, 456, 467 Urbanization, 456 urbanization, 467
utilitarian organizations, 125, 129 Utility patents, 160
utility patents, 173
validity, 31, 45
value neutrality, 44, 45 value-added theory, 478, 491 Values, 56
values, 68
verstehen, 13, 22
victimless crime, 144, 148 Violent crimes, 144
violent crimes, 148
voluntary organizations, 125 W
wealth, 186, 199
white flight, 458, 467 white privilege, 228, 245 X
Xenocentrism, 55 xenocentrism, 68 xenophobia, 407, 416 Z
zero population growth, 454, 467