Page 396 - Physics Coursebook 2015 (A level)
P. 396

 Cambridge International A Level Physics
 12 The spherical dome on a Van de Graaff generator is placed near an earthed metal plate. The dome
has a diameter of 40 cm and the potential at its surface is 54 kV.
a i Calculate the charge on the dome. [2]
ii Calculate the capacitance of the dome. [2]
The metal plate is moved slowly towards the sphere but does not touch it. The sphere discharges through the air to the plate. The graph in Figure 24.21 shows how the potential at the surface of the sphere changes during the discharge.
V / kV 60 50 40
30 20 10
0 0 0.05 0.1
0.15 0.2 t /s
  13 a
Show that the capacitance C of an isolated conducting sphere of radius r is given by the formula:
C = 4πε0r [2]
Figure 24.21 For End-of-chapter Question 12.
b Calculate the energy that is dissipated during the discharge. [4]
c Suggest why the discharge ceases while there is still some charge on the dome. [2]
Figure 24.22 shows two identical conducting brass spheres of radius 10 cm mounted on insulating stands. Sphere A has a charge of +5.0 × 10−8 C and sphere B is uncharged.
sphere A +5.0 × 10–8 C
Figure 24.22 For End-of-chapter Question 13.
sphere B
insulating stands
  b i Calculate the potential at the surface of sphere A. ii Calculate the energy stored on sphere A.
[2] [2]
Sphere B is brought up to sphere A and is touched to it so that the charge is shared between the
two spheres, before being taken back to its original position.
c i Calculate the energy stored on each sphere. [3]
ii Suggest why there is a change in the total energy of the system. [1]

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