Page 911 - Krugmans Economics for AP Text Book_Neat
P. 911


             A                           short-run equilibrium,  Arab-Israeli war, 197     Balance of payments on the
                                                                                                current account,
                                                                 Archer Daniels Midland
             Absolute advantage, 27    Aggregate price level,         (ADM), 637                410–413, 436
             Absolute value, 40             142–143, 146         Argentina                 Balance of payments on the
             Accounting profit, 531–533,  aggregate demand curve,  bank runs, 245               financial account,
                  539, 586                  172–175, 177           debt defaulting, 301, 305    411–414
             Actual investment spending,  aggregate supply curve,  economic growth, 369,   Balance sheet effect, 258
                  169                       179–188                   379–381              Bangladesh, clothing
             Actual output, 185–186, 397  change in, wealth/interest  fixed exchange rate, 432,  production, 27
             AD-AS model, 190–197           rate effects, 174         435                  Bank deposit, 224, 229,
               classic model of the price  Great Depression, 188   natural resources, 378       248–249. See also
                  level, 322             long-run equilibrium,   Arms race, prisoners’ dilemma  Checkable bank deposit
               demand shock, 191–197        194–196                   and, 649             Bank failure, 245
               economic policy, 199–207  money demand curve,     Artificially scarce goods,  Bank holidays, 256
               inflation, 327               271–272                   751–752              Bank of England, 253, 358
               long-run economic growth,  money supply, 316–317, 322  Assets               Bank of Japan, 253, 341, 359
                  399–400                short-run equilibrium,    banks, 244              Bank reserves, 243
               long-run macroeconomic       190–193                Federal Reserve, 264–265  Bank run, 243, 245–246,
                  equilibrium, 194–196  Aggregate production       financial, 224, 226–227      253–254
               short-run macroeconomic      function, 374–378      physical, 224           Banking system, 253–260
                  equilibrium, 190–191  Aggregate spending, 106    prices, macroeconomic   Banks, 228–229. See also
               supply shock, 192–194, 197  Aggregate supply curve,    policy, 358–359           Federal Reserve
             ADM (Archer Daniels            179–187              ATC (average total cost curve),  assets, liabilities, 244
                  Midland), 637          AD-AS model, 190–196         553–554                central, 253, 310, 315–316,
             Administrative costs, 508   long-run, 184–187       ATMs, money demand curve       318, 358
             Advance purchase restrictions,  short-run, 179–184       and, 272–273           commercial, 257, 264–265
                  627                  Aggregate wealth, 166     Australia                   crises, 254–255
             Adverse selection, 782–784  Agricultural price floors, 82–84  monetary neutrality, 318  Federal Reserve System,
             Advertising, product differentia-  Air Sunshine, 624–625  natural resources, 378   262–266
                  tion and             Airline industry          Automatic stabilizers, 161,  investment, 257
               brand names, 671–672      oligopoly and, 641–642       212, 298               monetary role, 243–251
               location differentiation, 669  price discrimination,  Automobile industry     money creation, 247–248
               quality differentiation,     624–627                exchange rate and, 427    regulation, 246–247
                  669–670                regulation, 85            inventories, 168, 170   Bar graph, 44
               role of, 670–671        Allen, Paul, 227          Autonomous change in      Barrier to entry, 571
               style, type differentiation,  Alternative input combinations,  aggregate spending,  Barter system, 232
                  668–669                   706–707                   160, 209             Belgium, minimum wage, 84
             Africa, economic growth,  American Economic         Autonomous consumer       Bernanke, Ben, 201, 295, 416
                  381–383                   Association, 1            spending, 162–164    Bertrand, Joseph, 641
             Aggregate consumption     American Economic Review, 8,  AVC (average variable cost  Bertrand, Marianne, 715
                  function, 164–166         715                       curve), 554          Bertrand model, 641
             Aggregate demand curve,   American Recovery and     Average cost, 552–555, 564  Big Mac index, 425–426
                  172–177                   Reinvestment Act, 209,  Average cost pricing, 757  Black labor, 85
               AD-AS model, 190–196         213                  Average fixed cost, 553, 564  Black markets, 81
               downward slope, 173–174  Amtrak, monopolies and, 614  Average revenue, 586  BLS (Bureau of Labor
               fiscal policy, 209      Antipoverty programs, United  Average total cost curve (ATC),  Statistics), 120, 147, 161
               monetary policy, 309–310     States, 768               553–554              Board of Governors, 255
               movement along, 174       effects of, 770–771     Average variable cost, 553,  Bond, 104, 224, 226, 270
               shifts of, 174–177, 444   means-tested, 769            564                  Bonus foods, 84
             Aggregate demand-aggregate  social security, 769    Average variable cost curve  Bosworth, Barry, 374
                  supply model. See      unemployment insurance,      (AVC), 554           Boxer, Barbara, 393
                  AD-AS model               769                                            Brand names, 671–672
             Aggregate output, 12,     Antitrust policy, 653,    B                         Brazil
                  112–115                   754–755                                          agricultural boom, 388
               actual, 186               Clayton Antitrust Act of  Bailey, George, 245       coffee beans, 47, 59, 64
                                                                 Balance of payments
               aggregate demand curve,      1914, 755–756          capital flows, 408–413    economic growth, 381
                  172–173, 175           Federal Trade Commission                            hyperinflation, 136–137
               aggregate supply curve, 179,  Act of 1914, 756      exchange rate, 419, 421–423  Brazilian Enterprise for
                                                                   merchandise trade, 410–411
                  181–188                natural monopoly and,                                  Agricultural and
               Great Depression, 188        756–758              Balance of payments            Livestock Research, 388
                                                                      accounts, 408–413
               money supply increase,    Sherman Antitrust Act of  Balance of payments on  Break-even price, 592
                  316–317                   1890, 755                                      Bretton Woods, 435–436
               output gap, 196         Apartheid, economics of, 715   goods and services,  Britain
               recessionary gap, 195   Appreciates, 420–424                                  Bank of England, 253, 358
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