Page 14 - Geosystems An Introduction to Physical Geography 4th Canadian Edition
P. 14

 x Geosystems
 Part II The Water, Weather, and Climate Systems 178
 7 Water and Atmospheric Moisture KEy LEARninGconcepts 180
GEOSySTEMSnow Getting Water from the Air in Arid Climates 181
Water’s Unique Properties 182
Phase Changes and Heat Exchange 183
Latent Heat Transfer under natural Conditions 185
Humidity 186
Relative Humidity 186
Specialized Expressions of Humidity 188
atmospheric Stability 190
Adiabatic Processes 190
Stable and Unstable Atmospheric Conditions 191
Clouds and Fog 194
Cloud Formation Processes 194 Cloud Types and identification 194 Processes That Form Fog 197
GEOSySTEMSconnection 200
KEy LEARninGconcepts review 203
geosystems in action 7 Adiabatic Heating and Cooling 192
crItIcAl thInkIng 7.1 Iceberg Analysis 184
crItIcAl thInkIng 7.2 Changes in Temperature and Humidity 189
crItIcAl thInkIng 7.3 Identify Two Kinds of Fog 199
THEhumanDEnOMinATOR7: atmospheric Moisture 200
AQuantitativeSOLUTiOn: Measuring relative Humidity and Dew-Point temperature 201
ViSUALanalysis 7: What type of fog is this? 205 GEOreports: 3 REPORTS
violent Weather 220
Winter Storms and Blizzards 221 Thunderstorms 221
Damaging Winds 224 Tornadoes 225
Tropical Cyclones 226
GEOSySTEMSconnection 236
KEy LEARninGconcepts review 237
geosystems in action 8 Midlatitude Cyclones 218
Focus Study 8.1 Natural Hazards 230
crItIcAl thInkIng 8.1 Analyzing a Weather Map 222
crItIcAl thInkIng 8.2 Hazard Perception and Planning: What Seems to be Missing? 235
THEhumanDEnOMinATOR8: Weather 236 AQuantitativeSOLUTiOn: adiabatic Warming and the
rain Shadow 237
ViSUALanalysis 8: Wildfire, clouds, climatic regions,
and climate change 239 GEOreports: 5 REPORTS
instruments for Measuring Humidity
  8 Weather 206 KEy LEARninGconcepts 206
GEOSySTEMSnowWhat Is the Increasing Cost of Intense Weather? 207
air Masses 208
Air Masses Affecting north America 208 Air Mass Modification 208
atmospheric Lifting Mechanisms 209 Convergent Lifting 210 Convectional Lifting 210
Orographic Lifting 211
Frontal Lifting (Cold and Warm Fronts) 212
Midlatitude Cyclonic Systems 216
Life Cycle of a Midlatitude Cyclone 217 Weather Maps and Forecasting 217

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