Page 13 - Geosystems An Introduction to Physical Geography 4th Canadian Edition
P. 13
Contents ix
5 Global Temperatures 116 KEy LEARninGconcepts 116
GEOSySTEMSnow The Mystery of St. Kilda’s Shrinking Sheep 117
Earth’s temperature Patterns 130
January and July Global Temperature Maps 130 January and July Polar-Region Temperature Maps 132 Annual Temperature Range Map 133
recent temperature trends and Human response 134 Record Temperatures and Greenhouse Warming 134 Heat Stress and the Heat index 136
GEOSySTEMSconnection 139
KEy LEARninGconcepts review 140 geosystems in action 5 Heat Waves 121
Focus Study 5.1 Climate Change 136
crItIcAl thInkIng 5.1 Compare and Explain Coastal
and Inland Temperatures 127
crItIcAl thInkIng 5.2 Begin a Full Physical Geography
Profile of Your Area 132 THEhumanDEnOMinATOR5: Global temperatures 139
AQuantitativeSOLUTiOn: Humidex 140 GEOreports: 4 REPORTS
Monsoonal Winds 160 Local Winds 162
Oceanic Currents 163
Surface Currents 163
Thermohaline Circulation—The Deep Currents 165
Natural Oscillations in Global Circulation 168 El niño–Southern Oscillation 168
Pacific Decadal Oscillation 170
north Atlantic and Arctic Oscillations 171
temperature Concepts and Measurement 119 Temperature Scales 119
Measuring Temperature 120
Principal temperature Controls 122 Latitude 122
Altitude and Elevation 122
Cloud Cover 123
Land–Water Heating Differences 124
Atmospheric and Oceanic
GEOSySTEMSconnection 172
KEy LEARninGconcepts review 174
geosystems in action 6 Atmospheric Circulation
Focus Study 6.1 Sustainable resources 166
Circulations 142 KEy LEARninGconcepts 142
GEOSySTEMSnow Ocean Currents Bring Invasive Species 143
Wind Essentials 145
Air Pressure 145
Wind: Description and Measurement 146
Driving Forces within the atmosphere 148 Pressure Gradient Force 148
Coriolis Force 148
Friction Force 150
Summary of Physical Forces on Winds 151 High- and Low-Pressure Systems 151
atmospheric Patterns of Motion 151
Primary Pressure Areas and Associated Winds Upper Atmospheric Circulation 158
crItIcAl thInkIng 6.1 Measure the Wind 148
crItIcAl thInkIng 6.2 What Causes the North
Australian Monsoon? 162
crItIcAl thInkIng 6.3 Construct Your Own Wind-Power
Assessment Report 163 THEhumanDEnOMinATOR6: Global Circulation 172 AQuantitativeSOLUTiOn: Wind regimes 173
ViSUALanalysis 6: atmospheric Circulation 177 GEOreports: 5 REPORTS