Page 718 - Geosystems An Introduction to Physical Geography 4th Canadian Edition
P. 718

Metric to Imperial
Metric Measure
Centimetres (cm) Metres (m) Metres (m) Kilometres (km) Nautical miles Area
Square centimetres (cm2) Square metres (m2) Square metres (m2) Square kilometres (km2) Hectares (ha) 10 000 (m2) Volume
Cubic centimetres (cm3) Cubic metres (m3) Cubic metres (m3) Cubic kilometres (km3) Litres (l)
Litres (l)
Litres (l)
Litres (l)
Grams (g) Kilograms (kg) Metric tonne (t) Velocity
Metres per second (m·s−1) Kilometres per hour (km·h−1) Knots (kn) (nautical mph) Temperature
Degrees Celsius (°C)
Celsius degrees (C°)
Additional volume measurements Gallons (Imperial)
Gallons (gal, U.S.)
Additional Energy and Power Measurements
1 watt (W) = 1 joule·s−1
1 joule = 0.239 calories
1 calorie = 4.186 joules
1 W·m−2 = 0.001433 cal·cm−2·min−1 679.8 W·m−2 = 1 cal·cm−2·min−1
Multiply by
0.3937 3.2808 1.0936 0.6214 1.15
0.155 10.7639 1.1960 0.3831 2.4710
0.06 35.30
1.3079 0.24 1.0567 0.88 0.26 0.22
0.03527 2.2046 1.10
2.24 0.62 1.15
1.80 (then add 32) 1.80
1.201 0.000003
Imperial Equivalent
Inches (in.) Feet (ft) Yards (yd) Miles (mi) Statute miles
Square inches (in.2) Square feet (ft2) Square yards (yd2) Square miles (mi2) Acres (a)
Cubic inches (in.3) Cubic feet (ft3)
Cubic yards (yd3) Cubic miles (mi3) Quarts (qt), U.S. Quarts (qt), Imperial Gallons (gal), U.S. Gallons (gal), Imperial
Ounces (oz) Pounds (lb)
Short tons (tn), U.S.
Miles per hour (mph) Miles per hour (mph) Miles per hour (mph)
Degrees Fahrenheit (°F) Fahrenheit degrees (F°)
Gallons (U.S.) Acre-feet
Common Conversions
      1 W·m−2 = 2.064 cal·cm−2·day−1
1 W·m−2 = 61.91 cal·cm−2·month−1 1 W·m−2 = 753.4 cal·cm−2·yr−1
100 W·m−2 = 75 kcal·cm−2·yr−1
Solar constant: 1372 W·m−2
2 cal·cm−2·min−1

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