Page 239 - Python for Everybody
P. 239

access, 92 accumulator, 64
sum, 62 algorithm, 53
aliasing, 99, 100, 105 copying to avoid, 102
alternative execution, 33 and operator, 32
API, 162
key, 161
append method, 94, 101 argument, 43, 47, 49, 50, 53, 100
keyword, 119 list, 100 optional, 73, 97
arithmetic operator, 22 assignment, 29, 91
item, 70, 92, 118
tuple, 120, 125 assignment statement, 20 attribute, 183, 207
BeautifulSoup, 150, 153, 173 binary file, 147
bisection, debugging by, 64 body, 39, 47, 53, 58
bool type, 31
boolean expression, 31, 39 boolean operator, 71 bracket
squiggly, 107
bracket operator, 67, 92, 118 branch, 34, 39
break statement, 58
bug, 15
BY-SA, iv
cache, 209
case-sensitivity, variable names, 29 catch, 89
CC-BY-SA, iv
celsius, 36
central processing unit, 15 chained conditional, 34, 40 character, 67
child class, 183
choice function, 47 class, 177, 183
float, 19 int, 19 str, 19
class keyword, 176 close method, 88 colon, 47
comment, 26, 29 comparable, 117, 125 comparison
string, 71
tuple, 118
comparison operator, 31 compile, 15
composition, 50, 53 compound statement, 33, 40 concatenation, 24, 29, 70, 98
list, 93, 101 condition, 33, 40, 58 conditional
chained, 34, 40
nested, 35, 40 conditional executions, 32 conditional statement, 32, 40 connect function, 187 consistency check, 115 constraint, 207
construct, 177
constructor, 179, 183 continue statement, 59 contributors, 223
type, 44 copy
slice, 69, 94
to avoid aliasing, 102 count method, 73

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