Page 240 - Python for Everybody
P. 240
counter, 64, 70, 76, 82, 109
counting and looping, 70 CPU, 15
Creative Commons License, iv curl, 153
cursor, 207
cursor function, 187
data structure, 125 database, 185
indexes, 185
database browser, 207
database normalization, 207
debugging, 14, 28, 39, 52, 75, 88, 102,
114, 125 by bisection, 64
decorate-sort-undecorate pattern, 119 decrement, 57, 64
def keyword, 47
function, 47 del operator, 95
deletion, element of list, 95 delimiter, 97, 105 destructor, 179, 183 deterministic, 46, 53 development plan
random walk programming, 14 dict function, 107
dictionary, 107, 115, 121 looping with, 111
traversal, 122 dir, 178
divisibility, 24 division
floating-point, 23 dot notation, 45, 53, 72 DSU pattern, 119, 125
element, 91, 105 element deletion, 95 ElementTree, 156, 162
find, 156 findall, 157 fromstring, 156 get, 157
elif keyword, 34 ellipses, 47
else keyword, 33 email address, 121 empty list, 91
empty string, 76, 98 encapsulation, 70
end of line character, 89 equivalence, 99 equivalent, 105
runtime, 29
semantic, 20, 29 shape, 125 syntax, 28
error message, 20, 29 evaluate, 23 exception, 29
IndexError, 68, 92 IOError, 86
KeyError, 108
TypeError, 67, 70, 75, 118 ValueError, 26, 121
experimental debugging, 14 expression, 22, 23, 29
boolean, 31, 39
extend method, 94
eXtensible Markup Language, 162
fahrenheit, 36
False special value, 31 file, 79
open, 80 reading, 82 writing, 87
file handle, 80 filter pattern, 83 findall, 130
flag, 77
float function, 44
float type, 19 floating-point, 29 floating-point division, 23 flow control, 146
flow of execution, 49, 53, 58 for loop, 68, 92
for statement, 60
foreign key, 207
format operator, 74, 76
format sequence, 74, 76
format string, 74, 77
Free Documentation License, GNU, 222,
223 frequency, 109
letter, 126
fruitful function, 51, 53