Page 232 - Marketing the Basics 2nd
P. 232
224 glossary
Handling The step in the selling process whereby the salesperson answers the prospect’s questions or objections.
Hierarchy of effects model A six-stage model tracing the steps a customer undergoes before making any purchasing decision.
Human needs Instinctual urges that must be satisfied. They include physical, social, or individual.
Human wants The items humans decide to consume to satisfy a need given their culture and personality.
Hybrid marketing channel A distribution system whereby a single firm creates more than one channel to reach one or more target markets
Imitator A person who adopts the habits of an influencer. Impressions The number of times the advertisement was
displayed during a period of time.
Income segmentation Dividing a market according to income levels.
Influencer A person who wields influence over a group.
Information search The second stage of the buyer’s decision process whereby the buyer seeks out information in order to make an informed purchasing decision.
Initial benefit statement A brief that explains your business interests with another party.
Integrated marketing communication (IMC) A promotion strategy whereby all promotional activities are coordinated to ensure the consistency and quality of the transmitted message.
Intensive distribution A placement strategy whereby the manu- facturer grants distribution rights to any vendor.
Joint venture An agreement between equals where resources are shared for a common purpose.
Just-in-time delivery (JIT) A supply chain concept whereby goods arrive at a place only when they are required.