Page 459 - US History
P. 459

Chapter 15 | The Civil War, 1860–1865
7. Which of the following did the North not do to mobilize for war?
9. Which of the following is not a reason why many people opposed Lincoln’s reelection in 1864?
A. He appeared to have overstepped his authority by suspending the writ of habeas corpus.
B. He issued the Emancipation Proclamation. C. He had replaced General George B.
D. He was seen as a power-hungry dictator.
10. What was General Sherman’s objective on his March to the Sea?
A. to destroy military and civilian resources wherever possible
B. to free black prisoners of war
C. to join his army to that of General Grant
D. to capture General Robert E. Lee
A. institute a military draft
B. form a military alliance with Great Britain
C. print paper money
D. pass the Homestead Act
Why is 1863 considered a turning point in the Civil War?
Critical Thinking Questions
11. Could the differences between the North and South have been worked out in late 1860 and 1861? Could war have been avoided? Provide evidence to support your answer.
12. Why did the North prevail in the Civil War? What might have turned the tide of the war against the North?
13. If you were in charge of the Confederate war effort, what strategy or strategies would you have pursued? Conversely, if you had to devise the Union strategy, what would you propose? How does your answer depend on your knowledge of how the war actually played out?
14. What do you believe to be the enduring qualities of the Gettysburg Address? Why has this two-minute speech so endured?
15. What role did women and African Americans play in the war?

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