Page 8 - LG Summer Newsletter 2023
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           Meet the Team
           Surakshya Panta

                                                             Hi everyone. I will start with a small introduction to
                                                             myself. My name is Surakshya. I am known as ‘’suru’’
                                                             amongst my friends and families. I was born in
                                                             Kathmandu, Nepal. Nepal is also known as the country of
                                                             mountain, and it lies in between China and India. I grew
                                                             up in a joint family with my mom, dad, grand-mom,
                                                             younger sister, and younger brother. I love dancing and
                                                             sketching. I used to participate in plethora dance and art
                                                             programs back home. Moreover, I studied bioscience as a
                                                             major in my high school back home. After the completion
                                                             of high school, I decided to come her to Australia to
                                                             pursue my career in a health sector.

                                                             As I grew up with my grandmother, I was literally too
                                                             attached to her. I used to get happiness when a small
                                                             thing I did for my grandma made a huge difference in her
                                                             life. That’s when I decided to study nursing. I love working
                                                             with people. I believe nursing is such a rewarding role. I
                                                             landed here in Australia on 14th Feb 2019. Initially, I was
            In addition to our regular weekly activities, visiting   a bit scared as I was alone here in a new land where I had
            entertainers, Laughter Boss, Zumba, cooking, fashion   no one I knew and also, I had never left my parents’
            parades, daily exercises, Dance Wise, arts and crafts and   house before, not even for a day. That feeling of, ‘’okay
            bus outings, here are some of our events for December,   now I have to start from the core and build my
            January and February.
                                                             foundation here in foreign land’’ was a great challenge for
             Date                 Event                      me. Though the journey was not very easy, I still
                                                             remember those sleepless nights doing my assignments, I
            December        - Emerging Artist Concert        completed my nursing degree from Western Sydney
                                                             University on March 2022. Currently, I am glad that I
                            - Christmas Choir Practice       chose to come here, and I am independent, and achieved
                            - Resident’s Christmas           my goals. My parents are so proud of me, and this is the
                            lunch                            biggest achievement of my life.

            January         - MSU singalong                  Let me now share with you my four year journey with
                                                             Lansdowne Gardens. I first started working as a Personal
                            - Emerging Artist Concert        Carer, and I am working as a second year Registered
                                                             Nurse now.  I am grateful to the Lansdowne Gardens
                            - Chinese New Year
                            celebration                      team for recognising my hard work, providing
                                                             opportunities to grow, and making it more than just a
                                                             workplace. The bond with colleagues and residents, the
                            - Australia Day
                                                             welcoming atmosphere, and countless blessings make
                            - Japanese festival at           Lansdowne Gardens feel like home.
            February        Lansdowne Gardens

                         Lansdowne Gardens

          Lansdowne Gardens Pty Limited
          11 Manns Avenue, Neutral Bay NSW 2089
          T 02 9953 0000 F 02 9953 0111
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