Page 2 - Lansdowne Gardens Newsletter Autumn 2018
P. 2
From David
"Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a Ella, Gwen and Veronica at the Sea Life Aquarium
flower." Albert Camus
Autumn 2018 holds some big changes. Housekeeping
Lansdowne Gardens will undergo a
refurbishment throughout. This will include not Dear Family and Friends,
only the resident’s suites but all common areas.
Now that we have settled into the new year, I have some
A trip to Kuringai National Park, Elizabeth Bay housekeeping items I would like to follow up with you.
House, the Justice & Police Museum and a Should your loved ones require their new clothes labelled,
lunchbreak concert at the Conservatorium of please drop them off in a clearly named bag at Reception
Music are just a few of the great outings we have on the ground floor.
planned in the coming months for our residents.
Just a friendly reminder that when you are paying
Easter will be celebrated in March this year. Our residents invoices via EFT please quote the Reference
Easter Service for residents will be held on Code which can be found on the top right-hand corner eg.
Thursday 29th March. PHIL002.
Please save the date for upcoming Grand Kids Day Just a reminder that effective 20 March the Daily Care
Sunday 11th March 10.30am – 12.00pm. We look Fees and Means-Tested Fees set by the Department of
forward to seeing you all there for some fun and Human Services will be reviewed so you will notice the
great entertainment for the kids - and for those relevant changes in your statements commencing April.
who are kids at heart.
Our upcoming Resident & Relative meetings are as
Wycombe Road - 10.00am - 19 April
Manns Avenue - 2.00pm - 19 April
Also a reminder that Jane Te – Clinical Care Manager has
pre-ordered the vaccinations and they will arrive around
March or April 2018. There will be confirmation of when
these arrive and consent forms will be sent around.
Best regards,
David Clark, Residential Services Manager
Lynette Phillips, Client Services Manager