Page 42 - just saying....
P. 42

my	alter	ego	
	     as	I	made	my	escape	she	faced	me,	
	     ‘don’t	come	near	me’	I	said,	‘or	I	will	scream.’	
      she	was	wearing	a	suit,	
      hair	perfectly	styled,	
      taupe	nylons	and	pointy	shoes.	
      she	stood	a	few	feet	away,	
      said	‘well	how	do	you	think	I	feel?’	
      I	was	taken	aback‐‐‐who	was	she?	
      why	had	she	given	up	her	identity	to	the	corporate	world?	
      she	did	look	like	me.	
      was	she	my	alter	ego?	
      a	person	from	my	past?	
      someone	I	could	have	been	before	committing	to	my	art?	
      In	my	casual	jeans,	
      I	felt	compassion	for	this	other	me		
      who	seemed	to	wish	she	could	let	her	curls	
      tumble	and	flow	as	she	sculpts	imaginary	images.	

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