Page 5 - PRIVATE
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When BERTH is three years old he is left with foster parents in the very north of Sweden. His mother, EVA, tries to sort out her own life and his dad, SENIOR, serves prison time for fraud. Berth loves his foster parents and this is the only time in his life when he feels loved and wanted. But the happiness is short lived, after four years, Eva takes him back and brings him to her new life in the south of Sweden. Some years later Senior shows up in Berth’s life, he is now the owner and publisher of Sweden’s first porn magazine - Private. Berth spends weekends at Senior’s place in Stockholm, learning how a porn magazine is made but also experiencing how Senior is more interested in having a piece of the models than spending time with Berth. But he also experiences Senior’s hot temper and erratic behavior. Being thrown out in the streets one night, Berth makes the decision to never be like his father. Step by step, Berth makes his own mark in the world, making millions of dollars in real estate and becoming a father at 30. But emotionally traumatized from his own childhood, Berth is incapable of connecting with his son PETER. So, when Senior reaches out to him seeking his help, Berth feels that this might be the way to heal and become a whole person.
Stockholm, 1991. Berth lives the life of a hard working single man which involves frequent visits to night clubs and a life among the jet setters. He gets along with his ex, KARIN, but he has a hard time to connect with their son Peter who he sees every other weekend. One day, Berth gets a phone call from Senior who he hasn’t spoken with for years. Senior is sick and broke and begs Berth to save a bankrupt Private and help him to get his life back in order. Seeking a way to reconcile and make amends with his father, Berth buys Private from Senior, cleans up the mess and sees to that he becomes well and healthy.
Berth falls in love with his interior decorator, JENNY, and plans to sell Private when Senior claims that he is the owner of the company. With help from the Hells Angels, Senior puts pressure on Berth to leave Private in the hands of Senior. This sparks a fire in Berth, he’s not going to give in to threats, instead he’s going to take Private rocket high, running it just lika any other business. Berth becomes fully occupied with his mission and sees less and less of Jenny and their new born daughter. Not to mention Peter, who now lives with Karin in Zürich. Berth becomes obsessed with success and when he introduces Private on Nasdaq in 1999, he is the world’s indisputable porn king. He ends up on the cover of Forbes Magazine, outperforming Senior’s role models - Playboy’s Hugh Hefner and Penthouse’s Bob Guccione. That’s when Senior decides to use any means to crush Berth.