Page 7 - PRIVATE
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Karin - Ex girlfriend and mother to Peter
Berth met Karin (37) through mutual friends. It was not love at first sight, rather a need for Berth to be with someone more mature than himself. Karin tried to change Berth but it didn’t work, not even when they had their son, Peter. Berth went out to night clubs and traveled with friends instead of being home with his family. Berth respects Karin but finds her to be a bit too over protective of Peter and a little squared when it comes to making ”family” decisions. When she meets a Swiss guy and moves to Zürich, Berth is not too happy but Karin is the one who takes care of Peter and she makes the decisions.
Jenny - Present girlfriend and mother to Elsa and Clara
Jenny (25) is an interior designer that Berth hires to decorate Private’s new office in Stockholm. He falls for her immediately but it takes longer for her. She is younger and not a fan of Berth running a porn company. And the more Berth gets involved in Private the less she sees of him which affects their relationship. She loves the material lifestyle that Berth provides and finds her way among the wealthy people in Barcelona. But when she realizes that Berth will never sell Private, she decides that it’s not the life she wants to live and the way she wants to raise their two kids. He’s not the Berth she fell in love with and the family man she hoped he could be.
Dag Norell - Best friend and producer
Dag Norell (38) is Berth’s best friend and partner in crime. They got to know each other when they were both working on a cargo ship in South America. Norell now works for Berth as his factotum. Norell wants to become rich, just like Berth, and comes up with prospects that he wants Berth to be part of. This never happens and Norell is a bit disappointed that he never gets the respect he wishes. When Berth takes over Private, he hires Norell to be the company’s film producer. Norell is good at his work and Berth promises him stock options in the company, something that never happens.
Erika Hult - Berth’s secretary
Erika (30) is Berth’s secretary and has been with him since he started his real estate business. She is loyal to Berth which means that she sacrifices her own private life. Erika proves to be the person Berth needs to be able to run Private. She is the the one that he really trusts. But slowly Erika sees a change in Berth and she starts to question her own life choices - should she stay loyal to Berth or find her own path in life?
Javier Rodriguez - Private’s production manager
When Berth buys Private from Senior, Javier (50) is the only employee and head of production. Berth sees the value in Javier and makes him partner in the company. Javier is loyal to Berth and introduces him to Barcelona’s high society. But when things turn and Javier realizes that his stake in the company is at risk, he is not as loyal as Berth once thought.
Jim van der Erde - Owner of Domum - Europe’s largest porn distributor
Van der Erde (55) is a former banker for the crooks. He used to work for Hollands biggest gangster Fat Charlie, but when he passed away Van der Erde took over his company. that brought him into porn. He now runs Domum, Europe’s largest porn distributor. Van der Erde and Senior go way back, and Berth sees many similar characteristics in them - psychopathic, scrupulous and a trait to crush people that get in their way. Van der Erde is pissed off that Berth bought Private from Senior. And when Berth cuts him out on profitable film deal, he decides to go crush Berth.
Kenneth Blom - Leader of the Hells Angels in Sweden
Blom (30) is a former bouncer that Berth hires to ”scare” a tenant that doesn’t pay his rent. It all goes wrong and the tenant ends up in hospital. Berth refuses to pay Blom as the deal was not to hurt the tenant. When Blom is released from prison he is a full member of the Hells Angels and he wants what Berth owes him, at any price. He partners with Senior and the two develop a father and son relationship, both wanting something from Berth. Blom is not the smartest but his size and willingness to use his fists make him hostile.