Page 12 - PRIVATE
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Norell confronts Berth about the stock options, and why he kept Erika’s partnership a secret. Berth says that nothing has been sold yet and that Norell will get his stock options before a deal is done. As of Erika, she was there from the start, Norell came in later when things were up and running. She took a risk, Norell didn’t. Guccione is impatient and raises his bid to 60 million, take it or leave it. When Berth finds out that Penthouse doesn’t have the money and Morgan Stanley will finance the deal, he decides not to sell and leaves Guccione more than pissed off. Berth later tells a disappointed Rodriguez that he has a new plan, he is going to take Private to the stock market. If Morgan Stanley is willing to get into porn, the whole world is ready. Rodriguez feels letdown whereas Erika believes in Berth’s new strategy. But things are not all good, Natasha wants to leave the business, go back home and finish her law degree. When Berth returns home to his family, Jenny has packed her bags. She’s leaving, she knows Berth will never sell Private and she has had it with broken promises. And in Stockholm, a content Senior looks at documents provided by Schmidt, it seems as if the IRS has a tax case on Berth.
From a hotel room in Budapest, Couturier interviews and films the models, who are young East European girls who dream of money and a better life. But Couturier also convinces the models to sleep with him while he films the act. Berth finds out that Couturier also sells the casting films and fires the Frenchman. Erika has a big part in this, she feels it’s all gone too far and that Couturier doesn’t meet Private’s values. The casting-films prove to be quite popular, so when Couturier offers Berth a business opportunity, Berth changes his mind. Couturier works under contract instead of being employed by Private. Berth’s only request is that the girls cannot be under 18. Erika is not happy with the fact that Berth makes a new deal with Couturier. She warns Berth of having anything to do with Couturier, she sees Senior in him. Couturier provest to be Private’s golden calf and Berth gives the Frenchman even more decision-making powers, which puts Norell in a position of feeling more like a runner than a producer. With a new distribution deal with Penthouse, Berth’s US launch is a success and they all celebrate with a huge party in LA. The world’s most respectable news channels - BBC, RTL, SKY, Canal+ and CNN - interview Berth - the guy who’s given porn a household name. Berth comes off as an eloquent businessman and explains his vision for Private and highlights that all models are over 18 years old and are treated well with a clear contract and HIV tests and that they can leave any time they’d like.
Berth feels that Erika is not on the 24 hour watch any longer. She says she’s met someone and she knows that Berth knows she’s gay. He’s happy for her, as long as it doesn’t interfere with work, he needs her. They are about to take Private to the next level and everyone needs to stay focused. She promises to be there for him but working day and night is not her dream life. She wants to buy a finca outside Barcelona and raise horses, what’s Berth’s dream? There are many things he wants to do, but right now his life is all about making Private a lifestyle brand where porn will be just one part of the business. Erika asks if he will ever sell the company and Berth’s answer is as always ”when the timing is right”.
The film festival in Cannes, 2001. At Private’s superyacht, Private Lady, Berth and his team celebrate the success of the company - the first porn company listed on Nasdaq, Berth on the cover of Forbes Magazine and a number of successful movies directed by Couturier. When Senior sees Berth on the cover of Forbes he smashes the interior of the sailing boat Berth bought him. Berth is exactly where Senior always wanted to be. Berth has proven to be better than Senior at running Private.The yacht is open for the media and Berth welcomes, DAVID ABRAHAMSSON, a reporter from Sweden’s largest evening paper, Aftonbladet. Private is a transparent company and Abrahamsson can visit the set of the porn film Couturier is shooting on the yacht. Berth also reveals his plan to go on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange in order to invest in porn online, the next big thing. As a way to help Norell make some extra money, Berth has made him in charge of the catering during the film week and the continuous trade fair that will take Private Lady to all the big harbors in the Mediterranean Sea. What Berth doesn’t know is that Norell has bought all the liquor he sells on the yacht from the Hells Angels and owes them 50.000 dollars. When Abrahamsson visits the set on board, he senses a bad vibe between the models and Couturier, and he is even more convinced when he talks to one of the girls. The next day,

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