Page 14 - PRIVATE
P. 14
Berth visits Peter at Tuft’s University in Boston. Peter is studying finance and Berth asks if he can help out with an internship. It’s already taken care of, Peter will work at Morgan Stanley during the summer. Berth knows the management at Morgan Stanley and jokingly warns Peter that they might give him a hard time because of the Milton name. Berth doesn’t have to worry, Peter still carries Klaus’s name - Baumgarten. Berth says he understands, he’s proud of him no matter what.
At set with Couturier, Natasha finds out that one of the newer girls is only seventeen. The girl describes how Couturier had sex with her and the footage was sold as a casting- couch movie, from that point there was no return. Natasha meets with Berth in Barcelona, he is no longer the CEO and without any executive authority, there is nothing he can do.
Natasha remembers how Berth always treated her and other models with respect. How he made them feel safe. Berth changes his mind, he might not be the CEO but he is still the largest shareholder. At a café in Paris, Berth fires Couturier without mercy. It is as if Berth is talking to Senior and all the horrible things he experienced as a kid come flooding back. He remembers how Senior treated women and he has promised himself he will never let that happen at his company.
Van der Erde, now the CEO, keeps pushing to restrict Berth’s influence at Private as shareholder, among other things he sues him in Las Vegas, where Private now is incorporated. The tax investigation into Berth also claims that Berth has spent enough time in Sweden over the years to make him liable to pay tax in Sweden. The Swedish IRS therefore sues Berth for 645 million in unpaid taxes, based on Private’s Nasdaq valuation and Berth’s declared stake of nearly 50 % of Private stock. In the court in Las Vegas, it is decided that the remainder of Berth’s Private stock is in dispute and he will have to put it in a blind trust, which also means his board seat and vote are taken away from him. While he sits there and listens to the judge, his cellphone rings. A number he doesn’t recognize. He rejects the call, then turns off his phone. Afterward, he listens to the message: it’s the psych ward. They’ve left a message saying that Berth’s father has died. Berth leaves the court with Erika with a feeling of relief. He tells Erika that he is happy this is all over, he is finally free. Erika knows that she is out of a job, now that Private is in Van der Erde’s hands, but she’s happy that she has gotten her friend, Berth, back. She felt she was losing him and saw things in him that she didn’t like. Berth says that he lost his empire but in some way, he found himself. This was the ordeal he had to go through to let go of the past. Erika says she’ll sell her shares and Berth wishes he could do the same, but he can’t as long as the IRS has a case on him. She hugs him and he promises to come and visit at the finca.
In Stockholm, Berth carries a tombstone to Senior’s assigned gravesite, it’s just Berth and the priest. The priest wonders if Berth wants him to say anything, perhaps pray with him, or just be there for him? Berth says he’s sorry, but he isn’t religious. “Is there anything else you need?” the priest finally asks. Berth shakes his head. The priest puts a comforting hand on Berth’s shoulder. Berth stares at the tombstone that just says: “B. M.”
Berth rings Norell’s doorbell. Wounds from the beating Norell took from Blom are still visible in the form of a broken nose, a scar from stitches over the eye, and more. Berth doesn’t know what to say. In the kitchen, Norell says he’s been working on a series of ships to pay off the debt to the Hells Angels, but he’s finally starting a company of his own. Berth guiltily admits that he’s ashamed of how he’s treated Norell over the years. Berth gets an envelope out, it’s the money for the raise and the bonus Berth once promised. The friends lock eyes for a moment. Norell asks if Berth is done with Private and the answer is yes, but he’s going to fight the tax case. He’s innocent and is going to fight an injustice to the bitter end. Then, Berth leaves. Norell remains sitting there, watching him go.
At Tufts University in Boston, Berth and Karin, divorced from Klaus, sit with other proud parents at their children’s college graduation. Next to Berth is his two daughters, Elsa and Clara. When the principal calls out Peter Milton’s name - Berth is extremely proud. Berth and Peter embrace each other - father and son. Later, Berth steers a yacht off the coast of New England. Peter is the skipper and Clara and Elsa are next to Berth. Peter wonders what Berth will do next, he can’t just retire! Berth predicts that marijuana will be legalized in the near future and that that industry needs to become a household name, just like porn. Maybe they can do it together, father and son creating magic. Peter says he’ll think about it.