Page 4 - 18 Easy Ways To Change Your Life
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1. Give generously. Share your time, talents, and hospitality. Look for
opportunities to help others with practical assistance or a kind word.
2. Listen closely. Give others your full attention. You’ll strengthen your relationships and run into fewer conflicts.
3. Offer forgiveness. Be quick to pardon others. You may heal the relationship, or you may decide that you need to move on. Either way, you’ll benefit from giving up any resentment or hurt feelings.
4. Stay in touch. Take care of the relationships that you value. Set up regular dates to get together with friends and reach out to old contacts who you haven’t seen in a while.
5. Eat together. Sharing food brings people together. Enjoy family dinners as often as possible and host potluck gatherings for your friends.
6. Smile more. Simply putting on a happy face can make you seem more attractive and likable. Create a trigger that reminds you to smile. It could be a particular word or a frequent event like your phone ringing.
You can transform your life without having to move to a new city or train like an Olympic athlete. Focus on one simple action at a time and watch the benefits add up.
Cliff Moore v2.0 - The Brand of Me Personal Branding & Development Coach