Page 5 - Top 20 Tips to Time Management
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• Do you despise raking leaves? Engage the services of a landscaper. Do you dislike cleaning your house? Engage the services of a house cleaning company. Are you fed up with shoveling your driveway in the winter? Engage the teenagers on your street who are looking for a way to earn some spending money.
11. Set reasonable goals. Which is more likely to motivate you: cleaning out the entire basement or just a corner of it? If you haven't been into your basement in 20 years, what gives you the impression that you can clean it out in a single day?
• Assemble seemingly impossible tasks into smaller, more manageable pieces. For instance, when dealing with a cluttered room, pick one small corner and purge only the contained clutter. If you move quickly enough, you may find yourself with enough energy to conquer another small section. If not, cross that task off your to- do list and celebrate your accomplishment!
12. Utilize commuting time wisely. While it may be tempting to sleep on the train or bus, use this time to catch up on emails or
complete that due report. When you arrive
at the office, your inbox will be organized,
and you will have a clear strategy for the day.
• During your commute, you can also read your favorite book or magazine. Life need not be all work and no play! Time management is all about managing your time effectively to maximize your free time.
13. Use automated electronic equipment to save you time. Your time is valuable, regardless of the job you hold. If there is an easy, automated way to complete a task, there is no shame in utilizing that technology to free up more time for family time. There are numerous methods for automating repetitive tasks. Consult your colleagues or family members for suggestions.