Page 10 - Schaeffler Brandplaybook
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  We are an automotive and industrial supplier whose busi- ness activities – be they in the original equipment or after- market segments, whether for automotive or industrial ap- plications or for components or entire systems – belong together and complement one another. Our business activi- ties all share a common objective and a common purpose: to use our capabilities and those of our products to shape motion and progress. We want to move the world – as pio- neers, with innovation, superior quality, comprehensive system understanding, and the excellence in manufacturing that has set the Schaeffler Group apart for many decades. And we want to do these things together as one, as techno- logy partners and suppliers with a clear focus on what we do best and with a commitment to always putting the custo- mer at the center of everything we do. That is our purpose. Only by achieving it will we be able to master the challenges of the future.
With our “Roadmap 2025”, we stay the course in areas whe- re continuity is tried and proven, we develop our strengths and make them even stronger, we sharpen our profile, and we lift our game in areas where there is room for improve- ment. We will be guided by three strategic priorities: Innova- tion, Agility, and Efficiency. These are particularly critical for our success in the global competitive environment.
Innovation: For us as a technology partner, innovation me- ans exploring new paths, thinking laterally, and shaping the way ahead. That applies to the development of our products and services as well as to new production processes.
Agility: Agility is an attribute that begins in the mind, not on a piece of paper. For us, agility means anticipating and deli- vering what our customers need. Agility means being adap- table, flexible, and able to work fast when required.
Efficiency: For us, efficiency means managing our resources even better and more effectively than we do now. That ap- plies to sales, our use of capital, and the further enhance- ment of our cost structures.
Schaeffler – A short overview

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