Page 19 - Schaeffler Brandplaybook
P. 19
To seize the benefits of the model, all brand communication and positioning activities for the Schaeffler brand are based on and designed in an alignment with this model. Thus, it serves as:
• Briefing of agencies, colleagues, divisions, ...
• Guideline for campaigns and brand communication
• Basis for the brand architecture – all other brands in the Schaeffler cosmos have to align themselves with this model
The centerpiece of our brand model is our claim “We pioneer motion”, framed by our purpose and vision. Our claim is not only a reference to our purpose, but it is also a strong promi- se to our customers and stakeholders. Whenever they inter- act with Schaeffler, they get an experience delivered that pays onto the idea of “We pioneer motion”.
The four fields around the core explain in greater detail what we stand for:
• As a supplier of choice, which is a reference to our vision, we are distinguished by four strong USPs
• We live the values of a family business: sustainable, in- novative, passionate, excellent
• Our pioneering spirit guides our tonality and the way we want to interact with stakeholders
• Advancing sustainable motion (reference to our mission) describes what we do across our nine technology & application fields
The strength of this positioning model comes from applying it consistently across the organization. Let it guide your communication and consider it for your brand work. Becau- se any communication in line with this positioning helps to strengthen Schaeffler as a brand.
Brand Identity
Brand positioning