Page 24 - Schaeffler Brandplaybook
P. 24

Brand architecture | Branded house strategy
At Schaeffler, we pursue a branded house strategy, centered around our Schaeffler masterbrand. It’s the guiding star that uni- tes our divisions, regions and brands under our shared purpose, vision, and values. All other brands in the Schaeffler brand uni- verse need to be aligned with our masterbrand’s positioning and design. This close relationship is expressed through the Scha- effler endorsement applied to the majority of our brands.
As a growing business, we will always deal with new acquisiti- ons, mergers, Joint Ventures, and spin-offs. Our pursued bran- ded house approach allows for enough flexibility and additional sub brands, closely linked to the Schaeffler brand.
We differentiate between product, service & trade and M&A & Joint Venture brands within the Schaeffler brand universe.
Product brands are our (heritage) brands that represent certain core product areas within our portfolio.
Our service brands market intangible offerings (i.e., services) while our traded brands offer goods, that are sold but not produ- ced by Schaeffler, while we guarantee for their quality and the service offering.
Our M&A and Joint Venture brands represent our acquisitions or new brands created jointly with a partner.
With our target brand architecture, we aim to further strengthen the Schaeffler brand and fully realize the pursued branded house approach. The new brand architecture will be implemen- ted over the coming years. It will place greater emphasis on the Schaeffler brand with the majority of acquired brands being in- tegrated. As a general principle, we will use the Schaeffler brand for product branding wherever possible, gradually reducing the presence of our heritage product brands.

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