Page 3 - Ireland West Airport Winter Destinations Guide 2021/22
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Your Wellbeing Is

          Our Priority

          At Ireland West Airport your wellbeing is our number one priority. We understand that air travel in this current
          coronavirus (COVID-19) world is a new experience for everybody. It is our priority to ensure that all our sta and
          passengers keep healthy and safe. Ireland West Airport is following Ireland's public health advice in relation to the
          COVID-19 pandemic. For more information on COVID-visit

          We have introduced a range of new measures, which reflect both Ireland’s national  COVID-19 guidelines, and the
          recent guidelines developed by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and the European Centre for Disease
          Prevention and Control (ECDC), to ensure the safe return of flight operations in Europe’s aviation sector.
          When you travel through the airport we encourage the public to adhere to the following protocols to ensure
          we protect each other and ensure the journey through Ireland West Airport continues to be a safe and pleasant one.

               Wear a face covering/mask throughout your journey through the airport to protect yourself and your fellow passengers. Passengers
               should bring their own face mask but if you forget to do so, masks will be available for purchase at the airport. Children under the age
               of 13 will not be asked to wear face masks and passengers who have a valid medical reason for not wearing a face mask will also be

               Do not come to the airport if you have the following   At  all  times,  pleases  respect  your  fellow  passengers
               symptoms: fever, cough, shortness of breath, loss of   and our sta† and adhere to respiratory etiquette, and
               taste or  smell                               practice good hand hygiene at all times

                                                             Passengers are recommended to pre-book car parking
                                                             online  in  advance.  Contactless  pay  machines  and
              Where possible use On-Line Check-In and Electronic   entry columns are available at both entry and exit to
              Boarding Passes                                the car park. Customers who have not booked online
                                                             in advance, can also use a contactless tap facility or
                                                             insert their card upon arrival to the airport’s car park

                                                             You will see protective screens in place at many places
              Practice physical distancing where possible in line   including check-in, Information Desk, and retail and
              with national guidelines                       catering outlets. This is to protect both you and those
                                                             working at Ireland West Airport

              Keep your hands clean as you move  through the   Enhanced cleaning regimes are in place throughout
              terminal by using hand sanitiser at the numerous   the  terminal  with  increased  disinfecting  of  regular
              hand sanitiser stations at the airport         touch points such as hand rails and buttons.

              Please use contactless card where possible to   pay   In some areas of the airport, one-way flows will be in
              for  goods  and  services  at  the  airport  in  our       place
              commercial outlets
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