Page 2 - Info magazine Strings Class nr 1 March 2021
P. 2

Dear reader,                                     In these difficult times - schools are mostly
                                                           closed all over Europe - there is some light
          First of all I wish you a happy and healthy  at the end of the tunnel. Vaccinations, res-
          2021!                                            trictions, measures...all to make it possible
                                                           to start within some months again as a kind
          A brand new magazine! For Strings Class,  of normal. Hopefully we can teach all child-
          our new project in Europe!                       ren again in the school and support them on
                                                           theri way to a new musical life.
          The Class Band may be well known but
          Strings Class is something new. Based on  Music is a big adventure and making music
          the same principle: learning and playing to- yourself is the best you can do!
          gether, from scratch.                            And it is healthy and good for development
          With violin, viola and celli. We had some pi- of social skills and cognitive skills.
          lot projects running in the Netherlands and
          Italy last years and now it is time to give the  Music for Life!
          Strings Class the attention it deserves!

          In this first magazine some stories about the
          pilot projects and the plans for the (near) fu- Stay Safe and Healthy!
          And an absolute special never happened  Kind regards,
          before item: a school in Bergschenhoek
          (NL) will start very soon with a Class Band,  Vincent de Leur
          a Strings Class and a Choir Class! Within        Head Yamaha Class Band / Strings Class
          one school! We are very proud to help and        for Europe
          support this unique project. There are plans
          also to start a Strings Class and Class Band
          at the PABO in Rotterdam in cooperation
          with the conservatory in Rotterdam (NL) .
          Good news!

          Also in this magazine some history of the vi-
          olin and its big family of instruments, about
          the used method Essential Elements Strings
          and the possibilities of Essential Elements
          Interactive as a software tool for teachers
          and students.
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