Page 5 - X_Bahasa Inggris_KD 3.8_4.8_Final
P. 5
Modul Bahasa Inggris Kalas X KD 3.8/4.8.
Konteks : lingkungan sosial
masyarat di sekolah
fungsi sosial: menghibur, memberi pelajaran
kepada pembaca dengan pengalaman aktual
ataupun hayalan
struktur teks: orientasi, komplikasi,
resolusi , reorientasi (akhir bahagia
atau sedih)
Unsur kebahasaan menggunakan: adjectives to build
noun groups to describe the people, animals or things
in the story, such as… a nice, diligent and kind-hearted
man, etc.
time connectives and conjunctions to sequence events
through time, such as however, although, later, then.
adverbs and adverbial phrases to locate the particular
events, such as once upon a time, long time ago.
past tenses, such as AjiSaka went to the kingdom etc.
action verbs to indicate the actions, such as stood,
explained, provided, smashed.
saying and thinking verbs to indicate what characters
are feeling thinking or saying, such as told, realized,
@2020, Direktorat SMA, Direktorat Jenderal PAUD, DIKDAS dan DIKMEN 5