Page 10 - Modul Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI KD 3.4
P. 10

Di  paragraf  selanjutnya,  kita  bisa  menemukan  bagian  arguments.  Penulis  akan
                        menuliskan  pendapat  untuk  mendukung  topik  utama  yang  telah  disampaikan
                        sebelumnya. Biasanya dalam analytical exposition terdapat lebih dari dua argumen.
                        Semakin banyak argumen yang ditampilkan, pembaca akan semakin percaya bahwa
                        topik yang dibahas adalah topik yang penting atau membutuhkan perhatian.

                        5. Reiteration/Conclusion
                        Bagian   ini   selalu   terletak   di   akhir   teks   dan   menjadi   paragraf   penutup tulisan.
                        Reiteration berisi penegasan kembali posisi dan pendapat penulis terhadap topik utama.

                        Agar semakin paham, Perhatikan contoh analytical exposition text di bawah ini:

                  Getting vaccine is another way to prevent the infection of the Corona            Thesis
                  Virus-19. Some people should be believed that getting vaccine is
                  importance  in overcoming the pandemic. Here are some reason and fact
                  Protect yourself and the community
                         Vaccination  is  the  most  effective  way  to  protect  against  infectious
                  diseases. Vaccines strengthen your immune system by training it to recognise
                  and fight against specific viruses. When you get vaccinated, you are protecting
                  yourself and helping to protect the whole community.

                  Help reduce COVID-19 in the community
                         COVID-19 can spread quickly and widely. It has resulted in the deaths
                  of over 1.9 million people worldwide and over 900 deaths in Australia. When
                  enough people in the community are vaccinated, it slows down the spread of
                  disease.  Achieving  herd  immunity  is  a  long-term  goal.  It  usually  requires  a
                  large  amount  of  the  population  to  be  vaccinated.  Studies  will  monitor  the
                  impact  of  COVID-19  vaccines  in  Australia  and  whether  herd  immunity  is
                  developing over time. For this reason, public health practices will stay in place    Arguments
                  until  evidence  shows  that:  vaccination  prevents  transmission  and  herd
                  immunity is achieved in Australia.The best strategy to manage the potential
                  public  health  risk  posed  by  incoming  travellers to   is  mandatory  quarantine
                  with regular COVID-19 testing.
                  Reduce  the  health,  social  and  economic  impacts  of  the  COVID-19
                         Higher  vaccination  rates  makes  outbreaks  much  less  likely.  It  also
                  reduces the need for preventive measures, such as border closures and travel
                  restrictions. This  will  reduce  the  health,  social  and  economic  impacts  of  the
                  COVID-19 pandemic.

                      The reason above make us believe that having vaccine is one of the way to      Conclution/
                  make our life becoming normal. It will help save lives and livelihoods.            Reiteration

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