Page 108 - OO_2018
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 The OO Welsh Lunch last October (left to right): Peter Moore (Ldr 88), Richard Morris (Lx 54), Terry Cobner, Brenda Cobner, Dick Coates (D 58), Sarah Kerr-Dineen, Jenny Briggs, Bob Briggs, Pat Morris, Anthony Kerr-Dineen, John Atkin (Sc 55), Ruth Moore
have news, John Atkin (Sc 55) tells me that his eldest grandson, Matthew, has just completed his first year at Oundle in School House, following in the footsteps of his father, James Atkin (Sc 93),and John. He is enjoying his rugby, athletics and rowing. Matthew has some unique problems attending Oundle, as his father lives in Tokyo and all flights there from Heathrow leave in the morning, whereas school finishes at lunchtime and Matthew is too young to stay in a hotel by himself. However, it strikes me that, in later life, this could probably form the foundation of a few good stories, the type that would make your parents’ hair curl!
The furthest back my correspondents go this year is the ever-dependable Richard Morris (Lx 54),who, as well as exchanging emails with me about the trials of tracking down news, gave me some of his own. He has enjoyed holidaying around the UK in Bournemouth, East and North Devon, South and North Pembrokeshire, and finally South Devon and Cornwall. With all this going on, it may not seem surprising that he is now on to his 21st prosthetic leg in the 15 years since he lost his leg. Given that his life is often governed by how well his prosthetic limb behaves, I wish him, and his leg, well.
Pride of place in this report must duly
be given to Chris, who much enjoyed Jock Workman’s (D 53) visit to Dorset as part of his nationwide tour to catch up with Dryden contemporaries. Also joined by Derek Blooman (D 53), they had a very convivial lunch recalling their earlier days. Sadly, Mike Drasdo (D 55), a very long-standing friend from their days in Southampton in the 1960s, died in June only six months after the death of his wife, Sybil, but there was a strong Dryden contingent at his funeral led by his cousin, Peter Knee (D 47), with the three remaining survivors of the famous Study 6 - Ian North (D 55), John Longden (D 56) and Charles Friend (D 56), all of whom recognised one
(née Dawson), who was at Overstone School in 1961. Felicity shared a room with my wife, Ann (née Darnell), and I believe met Peter at an Oundle/Overstone school dance (an innovation after I left in 1960). I met Ann quite independently through family connections in Nottinghamshire and we were married in June 1968. I know for a fact that there are at least two other extant Oundle/Overstone marriages: Ian Payne (G 62) with Julie (née Raven) and Ian McAlpine (Ldr 60) and Caroline
I must start my first report as South- West Correspondent by thanking my predecessor, Chris Walliker (D 54), for his unstinting service over some 15 years and for his helpful advice during our changeover. Many of us took the opportunity to express our appreciation at our biennial lunch at the Taunton Racecourse last March, when Chris was presented with a framed print of the 1954 Dryden House photograph and his wife, Sue, with a bouquet of flowers. The ‘Beast from the East’ retreated in time to enable more than 30 of us to make it to Taunton, including the Head, Sarah Kerr-Dineen, and our President, Richard Ellis (Sn 86), with his wife, Suzi. My thanks to all those who attended and made the event both enjoyable and
(née Ward) married in 1967. All four of us OOs are contemporaries within a year or two, as are the Old Overstoniennes. We don’t do divorces! Ann and I visited Peter and Felicity at Brancaster in 2014. I don’t have much up-to-date news! We live a tranquil retired life in Mumbles - the best coastal place to live in Wales according to The Sunday Times! - having come here in 1990 from Canada on a company move.”
Back to the last decade for which I
By Anthony Parsons (S 65)

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