Page 8 - Les Nouvelles Breves 2310 - Rapports de commissions - Qualité de la Vie - Evénements
P. 8
La vie du club
Nous sommes actuellement 94 membres.
Sont entrés en 2020-2021 : Frédéric Van Hove, Marian
Goetz et Jean-Philippe Bosman.
A quitté en 2020-2021 : Stéphane Rigoli
Les actions du club
Alain-Dominique Quintart, Syngenta.
Tuesday 19 May 2021 at 7:30 pm Arts et Musique : Soutien aux jeunes artistes ;
The company L’orchestre à la portée des enfants ; Concours Breughel
The Syngenta Group is a leading global provider of agricultural science
and technology, in particular seeds and crop protection products, with Filleuls : Parrainage d’étudiants orphelins, méritants
its headquarters in Basel, Switzerland, and further locations quant à leurs études (secondaires et de 3 cycle)
in Chicago, Tel Aviv, and Shanghai. Syngenta AG was founded in 2000 by Qualité de la Vie : Poursuite du projet Azalées ; Soutien
the merger of the agrichemical businesses of Novartis and AstraZeneca, à ATD-Quart-Monde, voyage-rencontre de jeunes
and acquired by China National Chemical Corporation (ChemChina) in militants ; Soutien à Parthages, projet de
2015. In 2020, the Syngenta Group was formed, bringing together sensibilisation à l’handicap via un jeu interactif ;
Syngenta, Adama, and the agricultural business of Sinochem under a Soutien au Ricochet, mission de formation au «
single entity. parrainage » ; Projet éducationnel en matière
The speaker environnementale orientée vers la jeunesse
Alain-Dominique Quintart is the Head of Government & Public Affairs
EAME for Syngenta (Crop Protection and Seeds) and the Head of the Commission Action Professionnelle : Engager des
Brussels office. He joined the Brussels office in September 2007. actions pour transmettre le savoir, développer les
He previously held senior management positions with Syngenta, Global compétences pour aider à l’épanouissement
Head for the worldwide Flowers Seeds activity, Country Head for professionnel. Assurer un suivi des nouveautés
Syngenta Crop Protection in Belgium and Portugal, Marketing Head in économiques bruxelloises, découverte de lieux et
France and Marketing Manager for the European Region based in projets à vocation professionnelle.
Switzerland. He started his career with Syngenta in 1991 in the UK as
European Product Manager for Animal Health. Jeunesse : Organisation d’échanges internationaux de
Alain-Dominique Quintart has been involved in managing mergers and jeunes en période scolaire ou de congés scolaires.
acquisitions, setting business strategies and ensuring their Soutien dans le milieu scolaire par un appui des
implementation and delivery. He is representing Syngenta in various activités à caractère pédagogique et culturel et par une
industry associations. aide logistique et financière dans des maisons d’accueil
He has a Master of Science in Engineering from UCLouvain and an MBA de la petite enfance. Mise en place d’un concours
nouveaux médias afin de sensibiliser les jeunes
from Insead. citoyens aux valeurs rotariennes.
The topic
The European Green Deal sets out how to make Europe the first climate- Actions et Relations internationales : au Rwanda avec
neutral continent by 2050. It maps a new, sustainable and inclusive l‘école « Ahazaza » et le Home «Gatagara», au Congo
growth strategy to boost the economy, improve people's health and avec le Projet « île Idjwi » pour former des sages-
quality of life, care for nature, and leave no one behind. The Farm to Fork
Strategy is at the heart of the Green Deal. It addresses comprehensively femmes, au Népal «Child Protection Centers and
the challenges of sustainable food systems and recognises the Services» et du projet « Mountain Mobile Hospital ».
inextricable links between healthy people, healthy societies and a healthy Participation aux actions du groupe de clubs
planet. As such, even though the EU’s transition to sustainable food internationaux R5 et de la plateforme Actions
systems has started in many areas, food systems remain one of the key Internationales des clubs de Bruxelles.
drivers of climate change and environmental degradation. There is an
urgent need to reduce dependency on pesticides and antimicrobials, Anniversaires
reduce excess fertilisation, increase organic farming, improve animal Lorenz Ködderitzsch 12 mai 1965
welfare, and reverse biodiversity loss. François Bryssinck 25 mai 1955
If you are interested to exchange on how a company is interacting with
the EU policy making institutions, please join us !
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