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Barbara, was recently awarded her

       20year Riders Patch.

      Beyond  the  walls  of  Scream            Barbara  Naudé  stands  as  a
      MCC,  Barbara's  work  with               beacon  of  leadership  and
      c h a r i t i e s   a n d   c o m m u n i t y   empowerment, showing the world
      outreach  programs  has  helped           that  strength  comes  in  many
      the club build lasting relationships      forms  and  that  the  road  to
      with the broader Randfontein and          success  is  one  that  is  always
      Gauteng  community.  From                 better when traveled together.
      raising funds for local causes to
      supporting  national  motorcycle          Barbara, was recently awarded
      events, Barbara's leadership has          her 20year Riders Badge.  LHR
      given  the  club  a  positive,
      influential  presence  in  South

      Through her leadership, the "First
      Lady" has not only cemented her
      place  in  the  legacy  of  Scream
      MCC but also shaped the role of
      women  in  motorcycling.  Today,
      Barbara  Naudé  is  a  respected
      fi g u r e   n o t   o n l y   f o r   h e r
      contributions to Scream MCC but
      also for her tireless advocacy for
      inclusivity,  community,  and  the
      motorcycling spirit.

      Conclusion:  A  Legacy  of
      S t r e n g t h ,   L o v e ,   a n d
      Barbara  Naudé,  as  the  "First
      Lady" of Scream MCC, has left an
      indelible mark on the Randfontein
      motorcycle  scene  and  beyond.
      Her  passion  for  motorcycling,
      l e a d e r s h i p   a b i l i t i e s ,   a n d
      dedication  to  fostering  an
      inclusive, supportive environment
      within the club have made her a
      role  model  for  women  in  the
      motorcycling  community.  Her
      legacy is not just in the rides she
      has taken or the events she has
      organized, but in the people she
      has inspired and the lives she has

      Scream MCC would not be what it
      is today without Barbara Naudé.
      T h r o u g h   h e r   s t r e n g t h ,
      compassion,  and  unwavering
      commitment  to  the  values  of
      brotherhood,  she  has  helped
      transform the club into more than
      just  a  motorcycle  group—it's  a
      family.  In  the  world  of  custom
      bikes, leather jackets, and roaring

        LHR Motorcycle Magazine Issue 10                                                                                             February 2025
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